News and Events | Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Llythyr gan Dr Rowan Williams i nodi 50 mlynedd ers chwyldro militaraidd Chile | A letter from Dr Rowan Williams noting 50 years since the military coup in Chile

Ddydd Gwener 8 Medi, bydd Theatr Volcano yn Abertawe yn cynnal noson i nodi 50 mlynedd ers y digwyddiadau a ddaeth i gael eu hadnabod fel 9/11 Chile, pan gafodd miloedd eu carcharu, eu harteithio, eu lladd neu ddiflannu yn y chwyldro militaraidd a ysgogwyd ac a ariannwyd gan yr Unol Daleithiau. Trefnir y noson gan aelod Wales PEN Cymru, José Cifuentes, a ddaeth i Gymru o Chile fel ffoadur gwleidyddol yn dilyn y coup, a bydd y digwyddiad yn cynnwys cerddoriaeth fyw a barddoniaeth, gan gynnwys perfformiadau gan Dafydd Iwan, cyfansoddwr “Cân i Victor Jara” a Patrick Jones, y bardd a ysgrifennodd y geiriau i ‘Even in Exile’, teyrnged bwerus James Dean Bradfield i’r canwr-gyfansoddwr a’r actifydd o Chile, Victor Jara, a lofruddiwyd yn Chile.

Mae Dr Rowan Williams wedi mynegi ei dristwch o beidio â gallu mynychu’r coffâd pwysig hwn oherwydd ymrwymiadau hirsefydlog mewn mannau eraill, ond mae Wales PEN Cymru yn falch o allu cyhoeddi llythyr byr o solidariaeth a anfonwyd gan y bardd, diwinydd a chyn Archesgob Caergaint i gefnogi’r digwyddiad.


On Friday 8th September, Volcano Theatre in Swansea will host an evening marking 50 years since events that have come to be known as the Chilean 9/11, when thousands were imprisoned, tortured, killed or disappeared in a military coup prompted and financed by the USA. Organised by Wales PEN Cymru member José Cifuentes, who came to Wales from Chile as a political refugee in the aftermath of the coup, the event will include live music and poetry, including performances by Dafydd Iwan, composer of the song “Cân i Victor Jara” and Patrick Jones, the poet behind ‘Even in Exile’, James Dean Bradfield’s powerful tribute to the murdered Chilean singer-songwriter and activist Victor Jara.


Dr Rowan Williams has expressed his sadness at not being able to attend this significant commemoration because of longstanding commitments elsewhere, but Wales PEN Cymru is pleased to be able to publish a short letter of solidarity sent by the poet, theologian and former Archbishop of Canterbury in support of the event. 




photo of Dr Rowan Williams
Dr Rowan Williams. Photo by National Assembly For Wales, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

“I lawer o bobl fy nghenhedlaeth, roedd hanes Chile yn y 1970au yn ysgytwad i gydnabod effeithiau llofruddiol a llygredig y Rhyfel Oer a chost ddynol enfawr geowleidyddiaeth lle gellid aberthu cyfreithlondeb democrataidd, diogelwch poblogaethau sifil, a rheolaeth y gyfraith i bawb ym mrwydr fyd-eang ideolegau.

Ymladdodd yr Unol Daleithiau a’r hen Undeb Sofietaidd ill dau lawer o ryfeloedd dirprwyol gyda chyrff eraill. Ond mae cywilydd arbennig wrth i ni weld gwladwriaeth ddemocrataidd proffesedig yn mynd ati i gefnogi dymchwel llywodraeth etholedig, a chefnogi rhaglen o anghyfiawnder economaidd diegwyddor a gormes sadistaidd.

Mae’n dal yn amhosibl gwybod gwir niferoedd y dioddefwyr yn Chile dan Pinochet. Ond roedd, ac mae pob dioddefwr unigol yn unigryw i’r rhai oedd yn eu hadnabod a’u caru, ac rydym yn cofio heddiw nid yn unig am y dioddefwyr hynny, yn hysbys ac yn anhysbys, ond am bawb sy’n dal i gael eu creithio gan garchariad ac artaith, am bawb nad yw eu tynged yn cael ei chofnodi, a phawb sy’n dal i ddioddef heddiw oherwydd y golled a’r trawma a ddioddefwyd ganddynt trwy dynged teuluoedd a ffrindiau.

Ac mae’n rhaid i ni fod yn ymwybodol heddiw bod y grymoedd sy’n gyrru cenhedloedd tuag at dra-arglwyddiaeth ac erchyllter yn fyw ac yn iach ledled ein byd ac yn ein cymdeithas ein hunain. Rhaid i bob gweithred o gofio hefyd fod yn alwad i wyliadwriaeth ac yn wrthwynebiad o’r newydd at gamwedd.

Bu llawer o feddylwyr Cristnogol yn America Ladin yn y dyddiau tywyll hynny yn siarad am sut y gallai’r cof gonest am ddioddefaint ddod yn bŵer ar gyfer trawsnewid – fel y mae yng ngweithredoedd canolog a syniadau’r ffydd Gristnogol. Ond gall credinwyr a’r rhai nad ydynt yn credu uno wrth ddal y cof hwn, a dal gafael ar yr argyhoeddiad bod trawsnewidiad yn bosibl.

Dyna a wnaiff y digwyddiad hwn, ac rwy’n anfon fy nymuniadau a’m bendithion cynhesaf at bawb sy’n cymryd rhan.”

Yr Esgob Rowan Williams  

Mae’r holl docynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad coffau yn Theatr Volcano wedi gwerthu. Fodd bynnag, ar ben-blwydd y coup – dydd Llun Medi 11 – bydd yr un lleoliad yn dangos  ffilm ‘Missing’ gyda Jack Lemon a Sissy Spacek, sy’n rhoi cipolwg ar y coup a’r unbennaethdod. Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y ffilm ar gael yma


“For many people of my generation, the history of Chile in the 1970s was a wake-up call to recognize the murderous and corrupting effects of the Cold War and the enormous human cost of a geopolitics in which democratic legitimacy, the security of civilian populations, and the rule of law for all could be sacrificed in the global battle of ideologies.

Both the US and the old Soviet Union fought many proxy wars with the bodies of others. But there is a special shamefulness in the spectacle of a professed democratic state actively supporting the overthrow of an elected government, and supporting a programme of unprincipled economic injustice and sadistic repression.

It is still impossible to know the real numbers of the victims of Pinochet’s Chile. But each individual victim was and is unique to those who knew and loved them, and we remember today not only those victims, known and unknown, but all who are still scarred by imprisonment and torture, all whose fate is not recorded, and all who are still victims today because of the loss and trauma they endured through the fate of families and friends.

And we must be aware today that the forces that drive nations towards tyranny and atrocity are alive and well throughout our world and in our own society. All acts of remembrance must also be calls to vigilance and renewed resistance to evil.

Many Christian thinkers in Latin America in those dark days would speak about how the truthful memory of suffering could become a power for transformation – as it does in the central actions and ideas of Christian faith. But believers and non-believers alike can unite in holding up this memory, and holding on to the conviction that transformation is possible.

That is what this event will do, and I send my warmest wishes and blessings to all involved.”

Bishop Rowan Williams  

The commemoration event at Volcano Theatre is sold out. However, on the anniversary of the coup – Monday September 11 – the same venue will be showing ‘Missing’ starring Jack Lemon and Sissy Spacek, a film which gives insight into the coup and dictatorship. Tickets for the film showing are available here.

Digwyddiad: Noson o adloniant rhyngddiwylliannol | Event: An evening of inter-cultural entertainment



Croesawu’r Byd gydag Awduron o Gymru

Welsh Writers Welcome the World


Mae Write4Word a Wales PEN Cymru yn cyhoeddi noson o adloniant rhyngddiwylliannol, cerddi, cerddoriaeth a monolog.

Write4Word and Wales PEN Cymru present an evening of intercultural entertainment, poetry, music and monologue.


🗓️ Dydd Iau 23ain o Fawrth, 2023 / Thursday, 23rd of March 2023

⏰ 7o’r gloch yr hwyr / 7pm

📍 Amgueddfa Arberth / Narberth Museum
The Bonded Stores, Stryd yr Eglwys, Narberth SA67 7BH // The Bonded Stores, Church Street, Narberth SA67 7BH

Gan gynnwys / featuring:
Larysa Martseva

Awdur o Wcrain sydd mewn lloches yng Nghymru a sgriptwraig nodedig

Ukrainian writer in refuge in Wales and acclaimed scriptwriter

Gyda / supported by:
✨Taz Rahman
✨Angharad Jenkins
✨Emma Baines


Am fwy o fanylion, gweler yma.

For more details, click here.

Annual General Meeting 2023 | Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol 2023



On the 16th of February, we held our Annual General Meeting.

Ar y 16eg o Chwefror, wnaethom ni gynnal ein Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol.


From this meeting, we welcome three new members to the Board and one Cennad. Congratulations and welcome to WPC!

O’r cyfarfod hwn, rydym ni yn roi croeso i tri aelod newydd i’r Bwrdd a un Cennad. Llongyfarchiadau a croeso i WPC!


  • Dylan Moore (Chair / Cadeirydd)
  • Dominic Williams
  • Nici Beech (Secretary / Ysgrifennydd)
  • Ifor ap Glyn (Cennad)

Dangos cefnogaeth at Alaa Abd el-Fattah | Showing support of Alaa Abd el-Fattah


Rydym ni yn sefyll mewn undod efo Alaa Abd el-Fattah. Ymunwch a’r brotest heddiw neu rhannwch amdano trwy’r linc isod. Cofiwch i ailbostio efo’r #SaveAlaa ac am fwy o wybodaeth, gweler @freedomforalaa ar Trydar.

We stand in solidarity with Alaa Abd el-Fattah. Join the protest today or share about it through the link below. Remember to repost with the #SaveAlaa and for more information, see @freedomforalaa on Twitter.

Cymryd rhan #StandWithSalman | Take part in #StandWithSalman: 

Darlleniadau i Salman Rushdie | Readings for Salman Rushdie


Yn dilyn yr ymosodiad arno ar Awst 12fed, rydym yn gofyn i aelodau o PEN Cymru i  gefnogi  Salman Rushdie ac awduron eraill ar draws y byd  i amddiffyn rhyddid mynegiant drwy ddarlleniadau o’i waith.

Following his stabbing on August 12th, we are asking all members of WPC to stand in solidarity with Salmon Rushdie and other writers around the world in their defence of freedom of speech with readings of his work. 

Mewn partneriaeth gyda Wales Arts Review. In partnership with Wales Arts Review.


Darllen rhagor / Read more


Cerddi i gofio Daphne Caruana Galizia | Poems in remembrance of Daphne Caruana Galizia



Rydym yn gwahodd aelodau o PEN Cymru i gyfrannu cerdd i ‘Gofio Daphne’ ar gyfer digwyddiad i ddathlu ei bywyd yn Llundain ar Hydref 9fed.

We are inviting Wales PEN Cymru members to contribute a poem to “A Poem for Daphne” for an event celebrating her life in London on October 9th.

Mewn partneriaeth efo PEN yr Alban, Iwerddon a Lloegr.

In partnership with Scottish PEN, Irish PEN and English PEN.

Darllen rhagor / Read more


Ymgyrch lythyru | Letter writing campaign


Gweithredwch i gefnogi ysgrifenwyr sydd wedi eu carcharu yn Nhwrci, yn cynnwys Ahmet Altan, Ilhan Sami Çomak, Osman Kavala a Nedim Türfent.

Take action to support the cases of writers imprisoned in Turkey, including Ahmet Altan, Ilhan Sami Çomak, Osman Kavala and Nedim Türfent.

Darllen rhagor / Read more

Diwrnod Awduron dan Glo: Awduron dan glo yn Nhwrci

Day of the Imprisoned Writer: Writers behind bars in Turkey


Mewn blwyddyn lle rydyn ni wedi gweld erydu pellach ar ryddid mynegiant ledled y byd ac arestiadau digynsail o awduron, newyddiadurwyr ac academyddion yn Nhwrci, ymunwch â PEN yr Alban a Wales PEN Cymru wrth i ni nodi Diwrnod yr Awduron Dan Glo 2020.

Gan ganolbwyntio ar erledigaeth a charcharu awduron yn Nhwrci, bydd ein digwyddiad digidol am ddim yn cynnwys darlleniadau barddoniaeth, trafodaeth, a diweddariadau ar achosion:

  • Ahmet Altan
  • Ilhan Sami Çomak
  • Osman Kavala
  • Nedim Türfent

Bydd y panelwyr yn cynnwys:

  • Barış Altıntaş (‘Media Law Studies Association Turkey’)
  • Ipek Özel (cyfaill i Ilhan Çomak)
  • Gürkan Özturan (‘Dokuz8 News’)
  • Caroline Stockford (WPC/ PEN Norwy)

Bydd y digwyddiad hefyd yn cynnwys darlleniadau o farddoniaeth a chyfieithiadau gan Alan Riach, Menna Elfyn a James Robertson.

Cofrestrwch am ddim yma

In a year where we have seen further erosion of free expression across the globe and unprecedented arrests of writers, journalists and academics in Turkey, join Scottish PEN and Wales PEN Cymru as we mark the Day of the Imprisoned Writer 2020.

Focusing on the persecution and imprisonment of writers in Turkey, our free online event will feature poetry readings, discussion and updates on the cases of:

  • Ahmet Altan
  • Ilhan Sami Çomak
  • Osman Kavala
  • Nedim Türfent

Panellists include:

  • Barış Altıntaş (Media Law Studies Association Turkey)
  • Ipek Özel (friend of Ilhan Çomak)
  • Gürkan Özturan (Dokuz8 News)
  • Caroline Stockford (WPC/ PEN Norway)

The event will also feature readings of new poetry and translations from Alan Riach, Menna Elfyn and James Robertson.

Book a free place here


Datganiad ar y cyd gan ganolfannau PEN ar aflonyddu ar-lein

Mae aflonyddu ar-lein ar gynnydd ledled y byd1, wedi ei waethygu gan ein hamgylchedd hyper-digidol a’i gyflymu gan bandemig byd-eang. Fel corff sydd wedi ymrwymo i weithio tuag at y ‘ddelfryd o un ddynoliaeth yn byw mewn heddwch a chydraddoldeb mewn un byd’, mae PEN yn sefyll yn gadarn yn erbyn aflonyddu ar-lein ac oddi ar-lein.

Gan fod y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn gweithredu fwyfwy fel fforwm i gyfnewid ac i drafod syniadau, mae diwylliant lle mae aflonyddu wedi dod yn norm ar draws y sbectrwm ideolegol yn ddiwylliant sydd nid yn unig yn niweidio’r rhai yr effeithir arnynt yn uniongyrchol, ond yn un sydd hefyd yn niweidio’r drafodaeth gyhoeddus drwy atal a thawelu lleisiau – gan gynnwys y sawl sydd eisoes wedi eu tangynrychioli mewn bywyd cyhoeddus – ac yn israddio’r drafodaeth ehangach.

Cefnogwn yr hawl i gael ac i fynegi safbwyntiau cryfion, ar yr amod nad yw mynegiant o’r fath yn tanseilio hawliau dynol pobl eraill a gydnabyddir yn rhyngwladol, yn annog casineb, nac yn peri’r bygythiad na’r defnydd o drais. Mae’n iawn ac yn briodol bod craffu trwyadl ar safbwyntiau – mae rhyddid mynegiant yn sicrhau bod pob un ohonom yn medru herio syniadau rydym ni’n eu cwestiynu neu’n anghytuno â nhw. Mae anghytundeb cryf a llafar yn ffordd hanfodol i herio datganiadau sy’n tanseilio hawliau dynol pobl eraill.

Nid yw rhyddid mynegiant yn gyfystyr â rhyddid rhag y cyfrifoldeb o fynegi barn.

O ganlyniad, galwn ar ein holl aelodau i gofio un o sylfeini Siarter PEN ac i ‘ddefnyddio pa ddylanwad bynnag sydd ganddynt o blaid dealltwriaeth dda a pharchu ei gilydd.’4

Darllen rhagor

Joint PEN statement on online harassment

Across the world online harassment is on the rise1, exacerbated by our hyper-digital environment and accelerated by a global pandemic. As an organisation committed to working towards the ‘ideal of one humanity living in peace and equality in one world’, PEN stands firmly against both offline and online harassment.

As social media increasingly serves as a forum to exchange and debate ideas, a culture in which harassment has become the norm across the ideological spectrum is a culture that not only harms those directly affected, but damages public debate by suppressing and silencing voices – including those already underrepresented in public life – and degrades our wider discourse.

We support the right to hold and express strong views, provided that such expression does not undermine the internationally recognised human rights of others, incite hatred, nor engender the threat or use of violence. It is right and proper that viewpoints are held up to rigorous scrutiny – free expression ensures that each of us is able to challenge ideas we question or disagree with. Strong and vocal disagreement is an essential way to challenge statements which undermine the human rights of others.

Freedom of speech is not freedom from the responsibilities of speech.

As such, we call on all our members to recall one of the foundations of the PEN Charter and ‘use what influence they have in favour of good understanding and mutual respect’4.

Read more

Digwyddiad digidol arbennig i ddathlu llwyddiant enillwyr yr Her Gyfieithu a Translation Challenge 2020

A special digital event to celebrate the Her Gyfieithu and Translation Challenge 2020 winners


Yn siarad yn y fideo o’r digwyddiad mae / Speaking in the video of the event are:

  • Grug Muse a Dr Eleoma Bodammer (yr enillwyr / winners)
  • Yr Athro Mererid Hopwood a’r Athro Karen Leeder (beirniaid / adjudicators)
  • Zafer Şenocak (bardd / poet)
  • Eluned Morgan AS/MS (Gweinidog y Gymraeg a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol / Minister for International Relations and Welsh Language)
  • Elin Jones AS/MS (Llywydd y Senedd ac AS Ceredigion / Senedd President and MS for Ceredigion)
  • Yr Athro Medwin Hughes (Is-Ganghellor PCYDDS / UWTSD Vice-Chancellor)
  • Menna Elfyn (Llywydd Wales PEN Cymru President)
  • Yr Athro Tom Cheesman
  • Gosia Cabaj (Goethe-Institut)
  • Alexandra Büchler (Cyfarwyddwr Llenyddiaeth ar draws Ffiniau / Literature Across Frontiers Director)
  • Yr Athro Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones (PCYDDS ar ran Cyfnewidfa Lên Cymru / UWTSD on behalf of Wales Literature Exchange)

Darllen rhagor am y gystadleuaeth flynyddol / Read more about the annual competition

Emyr Humphreys


Gyda thristwch mawr y clywsom am farwolaeth Emyr Humphreys, un o awduron mwyaf Cymru. Mae’n anodd meddwl am awdur arall yng Nghymru sydd wedi gwneud mwy o gyfraniad i ddwy lenyddiaeth ein gwlad. Cydymdeimlwn â’i deulu a’i anwyliaid. Gallwch ddarllen erthygl amdano ef a’i waith ar wefan Cyfnewidfa Lên Cymru.

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Emyr Humphreys, one of Wales’s greatest writers. It’s difficult to think of a literary figure who has contributed more to the two literatures of Wales. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones. Read an article about him and his work on Wales Literature Exchange website.

Rhyddhewch y bardd İlhan Çomak / Free the Poet İlhan Çomak


İlhan Sami Çomak yw’r carcharor o fyfyriwr yn Nhwrci sydd wedi treulio’r mwyaf o amser dan glo.

Parhaodd ei achos llys am 22 mlynedd, a chafodd ddedfryd oes am drosedd y mae’n ei gwadu.

Yn ystod ei 26 mlynedd yn y carchar, mae İlhan wedi ysgrifennu a chyhoeddi 8 lyfr o farddoniaeth. Gallwch ddarllen ei farddoniaeth yn Saesneg yma.

Gallwch hefyd ddarllen cerddi a ysgrifennwyd iddo ef gan feirdd eraill, yn cynnwys dwy gerdd gan Lywydd PEN Cymru, Menna Elfyn, yma.

Darllen rhagor

İlhan Sami Çomak is Turkey’s longest-serving student prisoner.

His trial lasted 22 years and he was given a life sentence for a crime he denies.

During his 26 years in prison, İlhan has written and published 8 books of poetry. Read his poems in English here.

You can also read poems written to him by other poets, including two poems by Wales PEN Cymru president, Menna Elfyn, here.


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Cyhoeddi enillwyr Her Gyfieithu a Translation Challenge 2020 winners announced!


Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi mai enillwyr yr Her Gyfieithu a Translation Challenge eleni yw Eleoma Bodammer a Grug Muse!

We are delighted to announce that the winners of our Her Gyfieithu and Translation Challenge this year are Eleoma Bodammer and Grug Muse!

Ymunwch â ni mewn digwyddiad digidol ar y 30ain o Fedi, ar Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol Cyfieithu, i ddathlu eu llwyddiant. Cliciwch yma i gofrestru.

Join us in a digital event on the 30th of September, on International Translation Day, to celebrate their success. Click here to register.

Canolfannau PEN Rhyngwladol yn condemnio arestio aelodau a gweithwyr PEN Belarws

PEN International Centres condemn arrest of Belarus PEN members and employees


Mae Canolfannau PEN Rhyngwladol ar draws y byd yn condemnio arestio aelodau Canolfan PEN Belorws ddoe (8 Medi). Mae hyn yn amlygu ein pryderon am yr ymosodiadau parhaus ar ryddid mynegiant a’r hawl i brotest heddychlon yn sgil yr etholiadau a gynhaliwyd yn Belorws ar 9 Awst 2020, ymosodiadau sydd wedi cynyddu yn y dyddiau diwethaf.

Ddydd Mawrth 8 Medi, aethpwyd ag aelodau a gweithwyr PEN Belorws i’r ddalfa tra roeddent yn protestio’n heddychlon ym Minsk. Mae’r rhai sydd yn y ddalfa yn cynnwys y bardd, cyfieithydd ac Ysgrifennydd PEN Hanna Komar, y bardd, cyfieithydd a’r rheolwr prosiect, Uladzimir Liankievic; a’r cyfieithydd Siarzh Miadzvedzeu. Mae arestio’r unigolion hyn, ynghyd â’r cannoedd sydd yn protestio’n heddychlon, yn ymosodiad ar hawliau mynegiant a hawliau ymgynnull. Rhaid eu rhyddhau ar unwaith.

Darllen rhagor


Member Centres of PEN International around the world condemn the arrest yesterday (8 September) of members of the Belarus PEN Centre. This heightens our concerns about the ongoing attacks on freedom of expression and the right to peaceful protest in the wake of the elections in Belarus on 9 August 2020 which have escalated in recent days.

On Tuesday 8 September, Belarus PEN members and employees were detained while engaging in a peaceful protest in Minsk. Those detained include secretary, poet, and translator Hanna Komar; project manager, poet, and translator Uladzimir Liankievic; and translator Siarzh Miadzvedzeu. Their arrest, and that of hundreds of others involved in peaceful protests, are a violation of their rights to freedom of expression and association. They must be freed immediately.

Read more

Twrci: apêl ar y cyd i nodi 1,500 yn y carchar i Nedim Türfent

Turkey: joint appeal marks 1,500 days in jail for Nedim Türfent


Mae PEN Cymru yn ymuno â chanolfannau PEN a mudiadau perthnasol eraill i barhau â’n galwadau i ryddhau Nedim Türfent wrth nodi ei 1,500fed diwrnod dan glo ar 21 Mehefin 2020. Gweler ein datganiad isod.



Dangoswch eich cefnogaeth: Mae’r datganiad hwn yn agored i unigolion ei lofnodi.

Anfonwch neges o gefnogaeth at Nedim.

Rhannwch: Rhannwch y darn hwn ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol gyda’r hashnodau #FreeNedim a #1500DaysBehindBars

Darllenwch a rhannwch ei waith: Mae MLSA wedi cyhoeddi casgliad o farddoniaeth Nedim, sydd ar gael i’w ddarllen ar-lein am ddim.

Darllen rhagor

Wales PEN Cymru joins sister PEN centres and other concerned organisations in continuing our calls for the release of Nedim Türfent ahead of his 1500th day in detention on 21 June 2020. See our statement below.



Show your support: The statement is now open for individuals to sign on.

Send a message of solidarity: take a few moments to send a message of support to Nedim.

Spread the word: Share this piece on social media with the hashtags #FreeNedim and #1500DaysBehindBars.

Read and share his work: MLSA has published a collection of Nedim’s poetry, now available for free online.

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PEN yn annog llys apêl Eglwys Loegr i wyrdroi dyfarniad diweddar ynghylch beddargraff Gwyddeleg.

PEN urges Church of England appeals court to overturn judgment concerning Irish-language epitaph.


Rydym yn pryderu’n fawr am y dyfarniad diweddar gan Lys Consistori Eglwys Loegr yn Esgobaeth Coventry bod rhaid darparu cyfieithiad ar gyfer beddargraff Gwyddeleg yn un o’i mynwentydd.

Mae gan PEN hanes hir a balch ym maes Cyfieithu a Hawliau Ieithyddol.

Mae’n bryder gennym fod y dyfarniad hwn yn adlewyrchu teimlad gwrth-Wyddeleg ac yn amharu ar amrywiaeth ieithyddol yn y DU. Galwn ar lys apêl Eglwys Loegr (Llys y Bwâu) i glywed yr apêl hon cyn gynted â phosib ac i wyrdroi’r penderfyniad gwallus hwn gan y Llys Consistori.

Darllen rhagor

We are deeply concerned by the recent judgment from the Church of England’s Consistory Court in the Diocese of Coventry that a translation must be provided for an Irish-language inscription on a gravestone within one of its graveyards.

PEN has a long and proud history in the field of Translation and Linguistic Rights.

We are concerned that this judgment reflects anti-Irish sentiment and negates linguistic diversity in UK. We call on the Church of England’s appeal court (the Court of the Arches) to hear this appeal as quickly as possible and to overturn this erroneous decision of the Consistory Court.

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Wales PEN Cymru stand in solidarity with the protesters who are peacefully protesting in America

Here is a translation by Menna Elfyn of Langston Hughes’ poem, ‘I look at the world’, which he wrote about the situation of Black people in America decades ago.

Mae Wales PEN Cymru yn sefyll gyda’r protestwyr sy’n gwrthdystio yn heddychlon yn America

Dyma gyfieithiad Menna Elfyn o’r hyn a ysgrifennodd Langston Hughes (1902—1967) am sefyllfa’r bobl Ddu yn America ddegawdau yn ôl.


Dathlu partneriaeth ryngwladol ar Ddiwrnod Ewrop

Ar Ddiwrnod Ewrop, mae Cyfnewidfa Lên Cymru, Wales PEN Cymru a Llenyddiaeth ar draws Ffiniau yn dathlu cydweithrediad newydd â Goethe-Institut.

Mae’r Goethe-Institut, sefydliad sy’n hyrwyddo gwybodaeth o’r Almaeneg dramorl ac yn meithrin cysylltiadau diwylliannol yn rhyngwladol, yn un o’r sefydliadau sy’n cefnogi cystadlaeth flynyddol yr Her Gyfieithu.

Dywedodd llefarydd ar ran Goethe-Institut Llundain:

“Rydyn ni yn Goethe-Institut Llundain wrth ein boddau yn cefnogi Her Gyfieithu 2020. Mae’r wobr eleni nid yn unig yn rhoi cydnabyddiaeth haeddiannol i gyfieithwyr llenyddol, ond hefyd yn cydnabod diwylliant llenyddol amrywiol yr Almaen. Yn benodol, rydyn ni’n falch o gydweithio gyda’r bartneriaeth hon yn ei hymdrechion i ddod â llenyddiaeth wedi ei chyfieithu i gynulleidfaoedd newydd o siaradwyr Cymraeg.”

Darllen rhagor

Celebrating an international partnership on Europe Day

On Europe Day, Wales Literature Exchange, Wales PEN Cymru and Literature Across Frontiers are celebrating a new collaboration with Goethe-Institut.

The Goethe-Institut, which fosters cultural cooperation internationally and promotes knowledge of the German language are one of the organisations supporting Wales PEN Cymru’s annual translation competition, Her Gyfieithu (Translation Challenge).

A spokesperson for Goethe-Institut London said: 

“The Goethe-Institut London is thrilled to be supporting the Welsh Translation Challenge 2020. This year’s award not only provides well-deserved recognition for literary translators, but acknowledges Germany’s diverse literary culture. We are particularly proud of this partnership with organisations that bring translated literature to new audiences of Welsh language speakers.”

Read more

30/04/2020 – Noson Gwobr Emyr Humphreys Award Evening – recording

15/04/2020 – Cyhoeddi enillwyr Gwobr Emyr Humphreys / Emyr Humphreys Award Winners Announced

Mae’n bleser gan Wales PEN Cymru gyhoeddi mai enillwyr cyntaf Gwobr Emyr Humphreys yw Mererid Hopwood a Mark S Redfern. Daw’r cyhoeddiad ar ddiwrnod pen-blwydd yr awdur yn 101 mlwydd oed.  

Enwebwyd y darnau gan aelodau PEN Cymru, a dewiswyd yr enillwyr o blith y rhestr hir gan y beirniaid Siân Northey, Eluned Gramich a’r Athro Daniel Williams.   

Gwobrwyir Mererid Hopwood am ei herthygl ‘Doethineb Iaith’, a gyhoeddwyd yn O’r Pedwar Gwynt fis Awst 2019, a gwobrwyir Mark S Redfern am ei ysgrif ‘When Vice came to Swansea’, a gyhoeddwyd yn Planet, Gaeaf 2019. 

Cyflwynir gwobr o £500 yr un i’r ddau enillydd a chynhelir digwyddiad ar-lein ddiwedd y mis, yng nghwmni’r enillwyr a’r beirniaid, lle bydd cyfle i glywed darlleniad o’r darnau buddugol. 

Trefnwyd y gystadleuaeth gan Wales PEN Cymru, drwy nawdd y Gymdeithas Ddysgedig yng Nghymru, Cronfa Goffa Saunders Lewis, HMM Foundation, a nifer o gyfranwyr unigol.

Darllen rhagor


Wales PEN Cymru are pleased to announce that the inaugural prize winners of the Emyr Humphreys Award are Mererid Hopwood and Mark S Redfern. The announcement comes on the author’s 101st birthday.
The pieces were nominated by PEN Cymru members, and the winners was selected from the long list by the adjudicators Siân Northey, Eluned Gramich and Professor Daniel Williams.Mererid Hopwood is awarded for her essay ‘Doethineb Iaith’ (‘Wisdom of Language’), published in the Summer 2019 issue of O’r Pedwar Gwynt, and Mark S Redfern is awarded for his essay ‘When Vice came to Swansea’, published in Planet, Winter 2019. Both winners are awarded £500 each, and an online event will be held at the end of the month, with the winners and adjudicators, where there will be an opportunity to hear a reading of the winning pieces.
The prize is organised by Wales PEN Cymru, with support from the Learned Society of Wales, Saunders Lewis Memorial Fund, HMM Foundation, and a number of individuals.

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21/02/2020 – Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Mamiaith / International Mother Language Day

Mae Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Mamiaith yn ddathliad blynyddol i hybu ymwybyddiaeth o amrywiaeth ieithyddol a diwylliannolYn 1999, cyhoeddodd UNESCO fod 21 Chwefror yn Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol Mamiaith, ac fe’i nodir yn flynyddol yn rhyngwladol ers 21 Chwefror 2000.

Mae’r Diwrnod yn gyfle i hyrwyddo amlieithrwydd, ac i gydnabod ac amddiffyn yr hawliau dynol sydd gan leiafrifoedd a phobl frodorol yng nghyd-destun iaith.

Mae PEN Rhyngwladol wedi bod ar flaen y gad yn yr ymgyrch i sicrhau bod amrywiaeth ieithyddol yn cael ei amddiffyn a’i hyrwyddo.

Darllen rhagor

International Mother Language Day (IMLD) is a worldwide annual observance to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and promote multilingualism.21st February was declared to be the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO in 1999. It has been observed annually throughout the world since February 21st, 2000.

The purpose of International Mother Language Day is to promote and celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity – and to recognize and protect the human rights that minority and indigenous people have in the context of language.

PEN International has been at the forefront of the campaign to ensure the protection and promotion of linguistic diversity.

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İlkyaz – hyrwyddo ysgrifenwyr ifanc yn Nhwrci

Mae İlkyaz yn blatfform llenyddol misol sy’n cynnwys gwaith gan ysgrifenwyr yn Nhwrci sydd o dan 35 mlwydd oed ac nad yw eu lleisiau yn cael eu clywed yn aml.

Rydym ni yn Wales PEN Cymru yn hynod o falch i gydweithio a chefnogi gwaith clodwiw İlkyaz y mis hwn. Er mwyn helpu hyrwyddo eu lleisiau, byddwn yn rhannu gwaith y tri ysgrifennwr a ddewiswyd y mis hwn ar ein gwefan.

Darllen rhagor

İlkyaz – amplifying the voice of young writers in Turkey

İlkyaz is a monthly, literary platform, which features works from writers in Turkey who are under the age of 35 and whose voices are rarely heard.

We at Wales PEN Cymru are very proud to partner with and support the worthy cause of İlkyaz this month. To help amplify their voices, we will be sharing the work of this month’s three selected writers here on our website.

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Gwobr Emyr Humphreys Award


A ddarllenoch chi ddarn ysbrydoledig am Gymru yn ystod y flwyddyn hon – boed yn ysgrif, blog neu erthygl, yn Gymraeg neu’n Saesneg?

Dyma gyfle i enwebu darn am Gymru yr ystyriwch chi sy’n haeddu ei ledaenu ymhellach ar gyfer Gwobr Emyr Humphreys Wales PEN Cymru. Bydd y darn arobryn, boed yn Gymraeg neu yn Saesneg, yn derbyn gwobr o £1,000.

Anfonwch eich enwebiadau at erbyn 5 Ionawr 2020.

[rhagor o wybodaeth]

Have you read an inspiring piece of writing about Wales this year — an essay, article or blog, in Welsh or English?

Here is an opportunity to nominate an inspiring piece of writing about Wales that deserves to be read widely for the Wales PEN Cymru Emyr Humphreys Award. The winning piece, in Welsh or English, will receive the prize of £1,000.

Please send nominations to before 5 January 2020.

[further information]

Diwrnod Awduron dan Glo / Day of the Imprisoned Writer


Yn y carchar ond ddim yn dawel

Menna Elfyn, Llywydd PEN Cymru

Ar Ddiwrnod Awduron dan Glo, rydym ni yn PEN Cymru yn cydsefyll ag awduron sydd wedi eu carcharu am eu gwaith.

Mae gan lenorion Cymraeg hanes hir o ymgyrchu dros eu hawliau; ac mae llawer wedi ysgrifennu am eu profiadau o orthrwm, sensoriaeth a charcharu. Mae’n gyfnod pwysig i awduron Cymru gymryd safiad rhyngwladol ar ormes, ac mae cefnogi PEN Cymru yn un ffordd o gefnogi’r gwrthsefyll yn erbyn twf yr adain dde eithafol, yma ac ar draws y byd. Fel Llywydd Wales PEN Cymru, mae’n fraint i mi gynnig cyfle i awduron Cymreig i gyd-ymgyrchu ag eraill dros ryddid mynegiant ar draws y byd ac i gefnogi’r rhai sy’n dioddef gormes ieithyddol.

[Darllen rhagor]

Imprisoned but not silenced

Menna Elfyn, President Wales PEN Cymru

On the Day of the Imprisoned Writer, Wales PEN Cymru stand in solidarity with writers who have been imprisoned for their work.

Welsh-language writers have a long history of campaigning for their rights; and many have written about their experiences of oppression, censorship and imprisonment. It’s a very important time for Welsh writers to take an international stance on oppression, and supporting Wales PEN Cymru is one way to support resistance against the growth of the extreme right here and around the world. As President of Wales PEN Cymru, I am privileged to offer Welsh writers the opportunity to engage with others to campaign for freedom of expression across the world and to support those who experience language oppression.

[Read more]

‘Daphne – In Memoriam’

Hydref / October 2019

Roedd 16 Hydref 2019 yn nodi dwy flynedd ers llofruddiaeth greulon y newyddiadurwraig ymchwiliol a’r ymgyrchydd gwrth-lygredd adnabyddus o Malta, Daphne Caruana Galizia. Mae aelod o bwyllgor gweithredol PEN Cymru, Simon Mundy, wedi cyfrannu cerdd ingol i gofeb farddoniaeth PEN Rhyngwladol, sydd i’w gweld yma.

16 October 2019 marked two years since the brutal assassination of Malta’s best-known investigative journalist and anti-corruption campaigner, Daphne Caruana Galizia. Simon Mundy, a member of Wales PEN Cymru’s executive board, has contributed a poignant poem to PEN International’s poetry memorial, which can be seen here.

Dathlu cyfieithiad Catalaneg o ‘Murmur’, Menna Elfyn

Medi / September 2019

Cafwyd noson arbennig yn y Senedd yng Nghaerdydd ddiwedd Medi i ddathlu cyfieithiad Murmur, gan lywydd PEN Cymru, Menna Elfyn, i’r Gatalaneg. I agor y noson, cafwyd darlleniadau o gerddi’r gyfrol ‘Murmur / Murmuri’ gan Menna Elfyn a’i chyfieithydd, Silvia Aymerich. [darllen rhagor]

Celebrating Catalan translation of Menna Elfyn’s ‘Murmur’

A special evening was held in the Senedd in Cardiff at the end of September to celebrate Catalan translation of Wales PEN Cymru president, Menna Elfyn’s Murmur. To open the evening, Menna Elfyn and her translator, the poet Silvia Aymerich, read the poems in Welsh and in Catalan. [read more]

Cyhoeddi enillydd Her Gyfieithu 2019

Cyhoeddir gwybodaeth am enillydd Her Gyfieithu 2019 ar y dolenni isod ar ddydd Iau, 4 Awst 2019.


Gezi Park’s second hearing confirms lack of rule of law in Turkey

We, the undersigned human rights and freedom of expression organisations, condemn the interim judicial decision taken in the second hearing of the Gezi Park trial. The indictment accuses 16 civil society figures and arts practitioners in Turkey of having planned to “attempt to overthrow the government” and of having financed the peaceful Gezi Park protests. If found guilty, they face a sentence of life imprisonment without parole. Read more.

Paul Kaye announced the winner of Translation Challenge 2019!

The winner was announced at the Wales Pen Cymru event in Hay Festival on 25 May. Read more

Cyhoeddwyd mai Paul Kaye yw enillydd Translation Challenge 2019 yn nigwyddiad Wales PEN Cymru yng Ngŵyl y Gelli ar y 25ain o Fai. Darllen rhagor


BELONGING TO WALES / PERTHYN I GYMRU – an e-book of multilingual stories about arriving in Wales by Meltem Arikan and others, with English and Welsh translations.

BELONGING TO WALES / PERTHYN I GYMRU – e-lyfr o straeon amlieithog am gyrraedd yng Nghymru gan Meltem Arikan ac eraill, gyda chyfieithiadau Saesneg a Chymraeg.

Read more / Darllen rhagor

The e-book can be read here / Gellir darllen yr e-lyfr yma (pdf)


Gwobr Emyr Humphreys Wales PEN Cymru 2019

Emyr Humphreys – yn gant oed yn 2019

Pa ffordd well felly wrth iddo ddathlu ei ben-blwydd yn gant oed na’i gydnabod drwy sefydlu gwobr arbennig yn enw PEN Cymru, sefydliad sydd fel Emyr ei hun wedi gweithio’n ddygn dros ryddid mynegiant yn ogystal â hyrwyddo llenyddiaeth ymhob gwlad.

Gyda hyn mewn golwg, bydd angen chwilio am nawdd fel y gellir cyflwyno rhodd o £1000 yr un i’r ddau enillydd.

Darllen rhagor, a gweld gwybodaeth am noddi’r fenter hon

Emyr Humphreys Wales PEN Cymru Award 2019

Emyr Humphreys – 100 in 2019

To mark the centenary of his birth in 2019, Wales PEN Cymru wish to establish an award in his name, by celebrating his achievement with a Wales PEN Cymru award for writing  in both English and Welsh.

Wales PEN Cymru are therefore seeking sponsorship for these awards.

Read more, and see information about sponsoring this venture.

(Llun / Photo: Wales Arts Review)

26 Mawrth / March 2019

Digwyddiadau Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod

Dathlodd Wales PEN Cymru Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod gyda noson o farddoniaeth, straeon a cherddoriaeth ar y 9fed o Fawrth 2019 yn Theatr Volcano, Abertawe.

Ymunodd Wales PEN Cymru hefyd â Sefydliad Diwylliannol Prifysgol Abertawe i lansio rhifyn diweddaraf Modern Poetry in Translation (MPT) ac i ddathlu Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod, yn Theatr Taliesin ar y 14eg o Fawrth 2019, dan y teitl ‘Women of Britain’.

Darllen rhagor

International Women’s Day Events

Wales PEN Cymru celebrated International Women’s Day with an evening of poetry, stories and music on 9 March 2019 at Volcano Theatre, Swansea.

Wales PEN Cymru also teamed up with Swansea University Cultural Institute to host the launch of the latest issue of Modern Poetry in Translation (MPT) and celebrate International Women’s Day, at Taliesin Theatre on 14 March 2019, under the title ‘Women of Britain’.

Read more

Menna Elfyn, Jeni Williams, Liz Berry, Claire Pollard. ©Swansea University

 Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Mamiaith 2019

21 Chwefror / Februrary 2019

Mae Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Mamiaith yn ddathliad blynyddol i hybu ymwybyddiaeth o amrywiaeth ieithyddol a diwylliannol. Mae’r Diwrnod yn gyfle i hyrwyddo amlieithrwydd, ac i gydnabod ac amddiffyn yr hawliau dynol sydd gan leiafrifoedd a phobl frodorol yng nghyd-destun iaith. Darllen rhagor

International Mother Language Day (IMLD) is a worldwide annual observance to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and promote multilingualism. 21st February was declared to be the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO in 1999. It has been observed annually throughout the world since February 21st, 2000. Read more

5 Chwefror / Februrary 2019

Wales PEN Cymru yn cefnogi’r apêl i ryddhau Nedim Türfent

Twrci: Apêl fyd-eang i nodi 1000 o ddiwrnodau ers carcharu Nedim Türfent

Mae dros 650 o ysgrifenwyr, newyddiadurwyr, cyhoeddwyr, artistiaid ac ymgyrchwyr yn galw am ryddhau’r golygydd newyddion, y gohebydd a’r bardd Nedim Türfent ar unwaith ac yn ddiamod. Mae heddiw’n nodi 1,000 o ddiwrnodau ers iddo gael ei arestio a’i ddedfrydu i wyth mlynedd a nawr mis yn y carchar ar gyhuddiadau o derfysgaeth ar gyhuddiadau ffug yn dilyn treial annheg. Yn ystod y treial hwnnw dywedodd nifer o dystion iddynt gael eu harteithio i dystio yn ei erbyn.Mewn apêl a gyhoeddwyd heddiw (5/2/19) gan yr International Press Institute (IPI), The Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) a PEN Rhyngwladol, mae llofnodwyr o bedwar ban byd wedi addo eu cefnogaeth i Nedim Türfent a’i frwydr dros gyfiawnder. Darllen rhagor

 Wales PEN Cymru supports appeal for the release of Nedim Türfent

Turkey: Global appeal marks 1000 days behind bars for Nedim Türfent

Over 650 writers, journalists, publishers, artists and activists are calling for the immediate and unconditional release of news editor, reporter and poet Nedim Türfent. Today marks 1000 days since he was arrested and sentenced to eight years and nine months in prison on trumped-up terrorism charges following an unfair trial, during which numerous witnesses said they had been tortured into testifying against him.

In an appeal published today (5/2/19) by the International Press Institute (IPI), the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) and PEN International, signatories from around the world pledged their support for Nedim Türfent and his fight for justice. The letter reads:

‘Today, we are writing to let you know that you are not alone. We stand alongside you and unite our voices to call for your immediate and unconditional release. We will continue to fight for the rights of journalists and writers – in Turkey and around the world – to be able to write freely, and for all those jailed for peacefully expressing their views to be free.’  Read more

Ysgrifennu’r frwydr yn erbyn anghyfiawnder / Writing the struggle against injustice

Rhagfyr / December 2018

Fis Rhagfyr, cynhaliwyd noson arbennig oedd yn cynnwys sgyrsiau, barddoniaeth a bwyd rhyngwladol yn Llanbed i nodi Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Hawliau Dynol, ac i ddathlu 70 mlynedd ers creu Datganiad Cyffredinol o Hawliau Dynol 1948.

Roedd y digwyddiad hefyd yn cynnwys lansio arddangosfa arbennig sy’n canolbwyntio ar Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol Hawliau Dynol ac yn cynnwys eitemau perthnasol o gasgliadau arbennig y Brifysgol. [Darllen rhagor]

A special evening of International talk, poetry and food was held in Lampeter in December to mark International Human Rights Day and to celebrate the 70th anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.

The event also included the launch of a special exhibition focussing on International Human Rights Day and featuring relevant items from the University’s Special Collections. [Read more]

Dathlu 70 mlwyddiant y Datganiad Byd Eang ar Hawliau Dynol 1948

Celebrating the 70th anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948

13 Rhagfyr / December 2018

Noson o sgwrs, barddoniaeth a bwyd rhyngwladol yng nghwmni Rebekah Humphreys, Menna Elfyn, Maaz Bin Bilal a Jeni Williams. Bydd casgliad tuag at waith Wales PEN Cymru ym Mecsico a Thwrci ar gyfer rhyddid mynegiant a hawliau newyddiadurwyr. Mynediad am ddim – croeso i bawb. Darllen rhagor.

An evening of International talk, poetry and food to with Rebekah Humphreys, Menna Elfyn, Maaz Bin Bilal and Jeni Williams. There will be a collection for Wales PEN Cymru’s work in Mexico and Turkey in relation to freedom of speech and the treatment of journalists. Admission free – all welcome. Read more.

Llyfrgell Llambed / Lampeter Library, 13 Rhagfyr/December, 6pm.

Mewn Cell yn Nhwrci

In a Cell in Turkey

14 Tachwedd / November 2018

Noson gan grwp WPC Gogledd Cymru i gefnogi sgwennwyr Cwrdaidd a Thwrcaidd sydd wedi’u carcharu er mwyn eu cadw’n fud. Cerddoriaeth gan Ali Sizer, Meltem Arikan yn sgwrsio gydag Ifor ap Glyn, a barddoniaeth. Rhagor o wybodaeth.

Bar Bach, Caernarfon, 14 Tachwedd/November, 8pm, £5.

An evening by the North Wales WPC group to support Kurdish and Turkish writers who have been imprisoned for speaking out. Music by Ali Sizer, Meltem Arikan in conversation with Ifor ap Glyn, and poetry. More information.

Seremoni Wobrwyo Her Gyfieithu 2018

10 Tachwedd / November 2018

Cynhaliwyd seremoni i gyflwyno Gwobr yr Her Gyfieithu yng Nghanolfan S4C yr Egin yng Nghaerfyrddin ar 10 Tachwedd 2018. Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Llewelyn Hopwood, enillydd yr Her Gyfieithu eleni. Gallwch ddarllen y cyfieithiad buddugol isod, a beirniadaeth Ned Thomas yma, a gweld rhagor o luniau o’r seremoni yma.

A ceremony to present the Translation Challenge Award was held in Canolfan S4C yr Egin in Carmarthen on 10 November 2018. Congratulations to Llewelyn Hopwood, the winner of the 2018 Her Gyfieithu. More information about the winning translation below, and more photos from the ceremony here.

Seremoni Wobrwyo Her Gyfieithu Award Ceremony

10 Tachwedd / November 2018

Seremoni i gyflwyno Ffon yr Her Gyfieithu i enillydd y wobr, Llewelyn Hopwood. Cynhelir y digwyddiad yng Nghanolfan S4C yr Egin yng Nghaerfyrddin ar y 10fed o Dachwedd am 3pm, gyda chyfarfod i aelodau Wales PEN Cymru am 2pm.

A ceremony to present the Translation Challenge Award to this year’s winner, Llewelyn Hopwood. The ceremony will be held in Canolfan S4C yr Egin, Carmarthen, on 10 November at 3pm, with a meeting for Wales PEN Cymru members at 2pm.

Rhagor o wybodaeth / More information

Ysgrifenwyr blaenllaw o Gymru’n cydsefyll ag ysgrifenwyr sydd wedi’u carcharu yn Nhwrci

Leading Welsh writers show solidarity with imprisoned writers in Turkey

7 Tachwedd / November 2018

Mae grŵp newydd Gogledd Cymru Wales PEN Cymru wedi trefnu noson o gerddoriaeth a barddoniaeth yng Nghaernarfon i gefnogi ysgrifenwyr Cwrdaidd a Thwrcaidd sydd wedi eu carcharu am lefaru’n eofn.

Bydd Bardd Cenedlaethol Cymru, Ifor ap Glyn, yn arwain noson lle bydd y canwr a’r cyfansoddwr Cwrdaidd Ali Sizer, y dramodydd Meltem Arikan o Dwrci a beirdd blaenllaw o Ogledd Cymru’n perfformio. Mae Ali Sizer a Meltem Arikan ill dau bellach yn byw’n alltud yng Nghymru ac yn ogystal ag adrodd eu hanes hwythau bydd y noswaith yn tynnu sylw at sefyllfa awduron Cwrdaidd a Thwrcaidd sydd yn y carchar, llawer ohonynt yn cael eu cadw ar eu pen eu hunain heb ddyddiad wedi’i osod ar gyfer eu treial – a hynny am fod yn ddigon dewr i ddweud y gwir. Bydd y noson yn dathlu eu dewrder ac yn mynegi ein cydsafiad â phawb sy’n brwydro am ryddid i lefaru. Darllen rhagor

An evening of music and poetry to support Kurdish and Turkish writers who have been imprisoned for speaking out has been organised in Caernarfon by the newly formed North Wales group of Wales PEN Cymru.

National Poet for Wales, Ifor ap Glyn, will lead an evening featuring Kurdish singer/ songwriter Ali Sizer, Turkish playwright Meltem Arikan and leading North Wales poets. Both Ali Sizer and Meltem Arikan are exiles now living in Wales and as well as telling their stories the evening will highlight the plight of Kurdish and Turkish writers who are in jail, many of them with no trial date and in solitary confinement, for having the courage to tell the truth. The evening celebrates their bravery and expresses solidarity with all who fight for freedom of speech. Read more

Hiraeth Erzolirzoli

Hydref / October 2018

Lansiad antholeg Cymru-Camerŵn

Cafodd Hiraeth Erzolirzoli: A Wales – Cameroon Anthology (Abertawe: Llyfrau Hafan) lansiad hynod lwyddiannus yn Yaounde, prifddinas Camerŵn ym mis Hydref 2018.

Mae’r llyfr yn cynnwys tua 20 o awduron o Gymru ac 20 o awduron o Gamerŵn a ddewiswyd gan y golygydd, Eric Ngalle Charles, sy’n awdur a anwyd yng Nghamerŵn sy’n byw yng Nghymru (cyhoeddir ei gofiant I, Eric Charles, Migrant gan Parthian Books ym mis Gorffennaf).

Darllen rhagor

Wales-Cameroon anthology launch

Hiraeth Erzolirzoli: A Wales – Cameroon Anthology (Swansea: Hafan Books) was given a spectacular launch in Yaounde, capital of Cameroon, in October 2018.

The book features about 20 Welsh writers and 20 Cameroonian writers selected by editor Eric Ngalle Charles, a Cameroon-born writer of Wales (his memoir I, Eric Charles, Migrant will appear with Parthian Books in July).

Read more

Myanmar: Pwyllgor Awduron dros Heddwch PEN yn cefnogi galwadau’r Cenhedloedd Unedig am heddwch, parch a chyfiawnder i bawb yn y wlad

Myanmar: PEN’s Writers for Peace Committee supports the calls of the UN for peace, respect and justice for all in the country

5 Medi / September 2018

Rydym ni, Pwyllgor Awduron dros Heddwch (WfPC) PEN Rhyngwladol, yn hynod bryderus am ganfyddiadau adroddiad Cenhadaeth Ffeithiau Rhyngwladol Annibynnol y Cenhedloedd Unedig sy’n adrodd bod troseddau wedi eu trefnu yn systematig gan y fyddin ym Myanmar yn erbyn cymunedau ethnig yn Kachin, Shan a Rakhine, sydd “yn ddiau, yn rhai o’r troseddau mwyaf o dan y gyfraith ryngwladol”. Yn gyffredin i’r holl weithrediadau milwrol oedd targedu pobl gyffredin, trais rhywiol, rhethreg allgau a chosbi am droseddau a gyflawnwyd. Yn ôl adroddiad y Cenhedloedd Unedig, roedd bron i 725,000 o Rohingya wedi ffoi i Bangladesh erbyn canol Awst 2018.

We, the Writers for Peace Committee (WfPC) of PEN International are deeply troubled by the findings of United Nation’s Independent International Fact-Finding Mission report which details crimes systematically carried out by the Myanmar military against ethnic communities in Kachin, Shan and Rakhine states which “undoubtedly amount to the gravest crimes under international law”. Common to all of the military’s operations were the targeting of civilians, sexual violence, an exclusionary rhetoric and impunity for crimes committed. According to the UN report nearly 725,000 Rohingya had fled to Bangladesh by mid-August 2018. Read more

Cyhoeddi enillydd Her Gyfieithu 2018

Awst / August 2018

Cyhoeddwyd mai Llywelyn Hopwood yw enillydd yr Her Gyfieithu eleni. Gellid darllen rhagor am yr enillydd, ynghyd â darllen y feirniadaeth a’r cyfieithiad buddugol, ar y dolenni isod.

Llewelyn Hopwood has been proclaimed the winner of the 2018 Her Gyfieithu. Further information can be seen on this page.

Digwyddiadau WPC yn yr Eisteddfod

Events at the Eisteddfod

Awst / August 2018

Dydd Llun (6ed)
11 am. Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau. Pabell Lên.
Dydd Mawrth (7fed)
5 – 6pm. Hiraeth Erzolirzoli: Lansiad Blodeugerdd Cymru-Cameroon & Derbyniad, swyddfa Llenyddiaeth Cymru.
7.30. pm. Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau. Sunflower & 1, Sgwar Mount Stuart.
Dydd Iau (9fed)
6pm. Catalunya: Beth Nesaf? Cymdeithasau 2, Y Senedd.
Dydd Gwener (10fed)
6.30. pm. O Gymru i’r Byd/From Wales to the World. Y Lyric

O Gymru i’r Byd: Dylan Moore a’i ffrindiau yn Y Lyric

6.30. pm. Nos Wener, Awst 10fed. Y Lyric (drws nesaf i Faes B). 

Ymunwch â Dylan Moore a’i ffrindiau o Wales PEN Cymru ar daith a fydd yn cychwyn o Fae Caerdydd – porth Cymru i’r holl fyd, ond a fydd yn dirwyn i ben ym mha le bynnag y byddwch chi’n ei ddewis.  Dowch i wrando ar Dylan yn adrodd hanesion ei deithiau ac/neu i gyfrannu cerddi a rhyddiaith yn y Gymraeg, y Saesneg neu unrhyw iaith o’ch dewis.  Gyda’n gilydd fe ganwn o Gymru i’r Byd.

Taith o Gymru i’r Byd yw Driving Home Both Ways gan Dylan Moore.  Gan gychwyn gydag ysgrifau ar hunaniaeth Gymreig a thaith i fyny ar hyd yr A470, mae’r gyfrol fechan hon o ddarnau o waith am daith yn ymdroelli tuag at fyd ehangach, yn mapio teithiau yng Nghatalwnia, Gwlad y Basg, Portiwgal, yr Eidal, Slofenia, Denmarc a Gwlad Pwyl. Tu hwnt i Ewrop, mae Dylan yn ymgyrchu dros ryddid mynegiant ym Mecsico, yn mynychu Gŵyl y Gelli yn yr India, ac yn ailddarganfod ei ffydd yng Nghamerŵn.

Awdur, athro a golygydd the welsh agenda, cylchgrawn y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig yw Dylan. Mae’n gwasanaethu ar bwyllgor Wales PEN Cymru ac ef yw Cymrawd Rhyngwladol Cymru Greadigol Gŵyl y Gelli 2018/19.  Mae’n byw gyda’i deulu yng Nghasnewydd.

Gofod hamddenol newydd gan yr Eisteddfod ar gyfer perfformwyr, eu ffrindiau a’u teuluoedd yw’r Lyric; a lle i bawb ddarganfod mwy am Gymru a’r byd – gyda chaffi-bar ardderchog, Caffi Lwcowt.  Mae’r Lyric y drws nesaf i Faes B (adeilad Dr.Who) a chaiff ei gyflwyno gan Coleridge yng Nghymru.

From Wales to the World: Dylan Moore & ffrindiau yn Y Lyric

6.30 – Friday, August 10th, Y Lyric (next door to Maes B). 

Join Dylan Moore and his friends from Wales PEN Cymru on a journey that begins in Cardiff Bay, Wales’ gateway to the globe, but will end up wherever you want. Come to listen to Dylan’s travel tales and/or to contribute poetry and prose in Cymraeg, English or any language you like. Together we will sing from Wales to the World.

Driving Home Both Ways by Dylan Moore is a journey from Wales to the World. Beginning with essays on Welsh identity and a road trip up the A470, the slim volume of travel pieces spirals outwards into the wider world, charting travels in Catalonia, the Basque Country, Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Denmark and Poland. Beyond Europe, Dylan campaigns for freedom of speech in Mexico, attends the Hay Festival in India, and rediscovers his faith in Cameroon.

Dylan Moore is a writer, teacher, and editor of the Institute of Welsh Affairs’ magazine, the welsh agenda. He serves on the committee of Wales PEN Cymru and is the Hay Festival Creative Wales International Fellow 2018/19. He lives with his family in Newport.

Y Lyric is a new relaxed Eisteddfod space for performers, friends and family; and a place for everyone to discover more about Wales and the world – with a great café bar, Caffi Lookout. Y Lyric is next door to Maes B (the Dr Who building), and is presented by Coleridge in Wales.

Help us reform Scottish defamation law by calling on First Minister Nicola Sturgeon this week to include it in the upcoming Programme for Government.


In April of this year, PEN Gambia presented a petition led by African Centres, and signed by over 150 writers, to the Chairperson of the African Commission calling on African states to abolish criminal defamation and “insult laws”. We call on you now to help us reform civil defamation law in Scotland.

Scottish defamation law is outdated and offers inadequate protections for the free expression of everyone in Scotland. Without reform, the law remains a potent tool of wealthy and powerful interests to stifle criticism and limit robust debate. However, in December 2017, the Scottish Law Commission submitted a draft bill and report that outlines substantial reforms to modernise defamation law and protect free expression, including bringing forward changes to establish a serious harm threshold to dissuade trivial cases or those brought solely to silence criticism; a statutory defence of publication on a matter of public interest and a single publication rule to ensure the time period within which a defamation action can be brought does not restart every time a link or post is shared or viewed online. Every one of these reforms strengthen free expression and ensures that public debate is not controlled or stifled by powerful vested interests.

For the first time in years we are in a position to reform a law that can be used to threaten journalists, writers, academics, scientists, activists and social media users into silence by the threat of legal action.

But reports suggest that the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon may not include defamation reform in the upcoming Programme for Government – outlining the agenda for upcoming legislative session commencing in September 2018. This will push reform back until September 2019, but free expression is too important to delay, especially when we have made so much progress.

Scottish PEN has drafted a letter to send to Nicola Sturgeon, asking her to prioritise reform and include it the Programme for Government. If you believe free expression should be protected now rather than later, please sign your name to the letter here before Friday 27th July (12 noon UK time):

Standing Together / Efo’n Gilydd / Pia Vınderime / Piştgiriye

18:30, Tuesday, June 26th, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff

A trilingual evening of Kurdish and Welsh songs, tales and poetry

Kurdish and Welsh musicians and poets come together to create an evening of songs, folk tales and poetry and to demonstrate a shared struggle for linguistic rights.

Performers include Ali Sizer,  (Kurdish musician and activist), Geraint Rhys (Welsh singer/songwriter) and clare e. potter (poet).

This performance is part of a Wales PEN Cymru project to support Kurdish linguistic rights. Ali Sizer, singer in the Kurdish dengbej tradition and saz player, has been working alongside a group of women from the Kurdish Community Centre in Newport and this evening they will sing for us some traditional Kurdish stories. Ali Sizer will perform and will be joined by Welsh musicians and poets.

The evening will be in Kurdish, Welsh and English.

Efo’n Gilydd/ / Pia Vınderime/ Piştgiriye/ Standing Together

18:30, dydd Mawrth, Mehefin 26ain, Canolfan Gelfyddydau’r Chapter, Caerdydd

Noson dairieithog o ganeuon, chwedlau a barddoniaeth yn yr iaith Gwrdeg a’r Gymraeg

Bydd cerddorion a beirdd Cwrdaidd a Chymraeg yn dod ynghyd i greu noson o ganeuon, chwedlau gwerin a barddoniaeth ac i arddangos y frwydr ar y cyd dros hawliau ieithyddol. Ymysg y perfformwyr bydd Ali Sizer (cerddor a gweithredydd Cwrdaidd), Geraint Rhys (canwr/cyfansoddwr Cymraeg) a clare e. potter (bardd).

Mae’r perfformiad hwn yn rhan o brosiect Wales PEN Cymru i gefnogi hawliau ieithyddol Cwrdaidd.  Bu Ali Sizer, sy’n canu yn y traddodiad Cwrdaidd dengbek ac yn chwarae’r saz, yn cydweithio gyda grŵp o ferched o Ganolfan Gymunedol y Cwrdiaid yng Nghasnewydd ac ar y noson cyflwynir rhai storïau Cwrdaidd traddodiadol ar gân.  Ali Sizer fydd yn perfformio gyda cherddorion a beirdd Cymreig yn ymuno ag ef.

Bydd y noson hon mewn Cwrdeg, Cymraeg a Saesneg.

Efo’n Gilydd/ / Pia Vınderime/ Piştgiriye/ Standing Together

Çar zonu de jü sewa lawıkan u hêkatan u şiiranê Zazaki, Kurdki u Gelki.  Şeva Xwendinê a stran, çîrok û helbesta Galî û Kurdî û Zazaki.

18:30 Sêşem, Hezîran 26, Navenda Hunerî a Chapterê, Cardiff.   

18:30, Şêseme, 26ê Hezirane, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff.   

No performans parçê projê Wales PEN Cymruyo ke va phışti bıdê heqanê zonê Kurdki (u Zazaki).   Mae’r perfformiad hwn yn rhan o brosiect Wales PEN Cymru i gefnogi hawliau ieithyddol Cwrdaidd.  Ev pêşkêşkirin beşek e ji projeyek e  PENa Galî/Kimrî ji bo piştgiriya mafên zimanê kurdî ye.   This performance is part of a Wales PEN Cymru project to support Kurdish linguistic rights.

Caroline Stockford joined Wales PEN Cymru at its inception as a member of the Executive Board and Chair of the Translation and Linguistic Rights committee.

She represented Wales PEN Cymru at Congresses in Amsterdam, Ourense and Lviv and at the Translation and Linguistic Rights committee meeting in Johannesburg.

A graduate with an MA in the History of the Turkish Language from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Caroline has worked extensively as a legal and literary translator and court interpreter for Turkish.

Caroline initiated and led the Kurdish Linguistic Rights project until February 2018 and facilitated the visits of two two Kurdish translators working on translating the Mabinogi into Kurmanji Kurdish.  In 2017 Caroline was the judge of the Translation Challenge and Her Gyfieithu with both poems being translated from Turkish.

In addition to this, Caroline has represented both Wales PEN Cymru and PEN International on freedom of expression missions to Turkey on three occasions and observed the journalist trials of Taraf, Evrensel, Zaman and Cumhuriyet newspapers.  As Chair of the Tranlsation and Linguistic Rights committee she has worked closely with PEN International on joint statements with regard to press freedom in Turkey.

In February 2018 Caroline took up a post in Vienna at the International Press Institute as Turkey Advocacy Coordinator.  In this role she monitors journalist trials, oversees the maintainance of a trials calendar and advocates for reform to the rule of law and press laws in Turkey at European and Turkish government level.  She campaigns for individual Turkish and Kurdish journalists and commissions a series of freelance articles from jouranlists in Turkey.

Caroline is currently expanding the project in cooperation with Turkish legal association MLSA to monitor 30 trials per month in order to report to the Council of Europe and European governments on the breakdown of the rule of law in Turkey and serious violations of the rights of journalists.  Read IPI’s latest articles on Turkey here.

Currently she is running a subscription campaign named ‘I Subscribe’ aimed at supporting independent newspapers in Turkey, beginning with Cumhuriyet.

Caroline said:

“If it wasn’t for the start afforded me by Wales PEN Cymru and the faith they placed in me to represent them all over the world, I would not be in this post now.  I’m very grateful to be able to combine my linguistic and cultural knowledge of Turkey with human rights work and to advocate for freedom of expression and freedom of the media.  I have been very moved by the resistance and solidarity demonstrated by Turkish and Kurdish journalists and am proud to be a part of this struggle.  I would like to continue to work with Wales PEN Cymru on projects concerning the linguistic rights of Kurdish peoples in Turkey. Diolch i chi gyd am y cyfle i weithio hefoch.”

Tanysgrifiaf – i gefnogi newyddiaduraeth annibynnol yn Nhwrci

Lansio ymgyrch fyd-eang yn galw am gefnogaeth i’r papur dyddiol Cumhuriyet

Lansiwyd ddoe y “I Subscribe” campaign dros newyddiaduraeth annibynnol yn Nhwrci gan gynghrair o sefydliadau dros ryddid i fynegiant dan arweiniad Sefydliad y Wasg Ryngwladol [International Press Institute IPI)].  Mae’r ymgyrch yn annog darllenwyr ar draws y byd i danysgrifio i’r ychydig o bapurau newydd annibynnol sy’n weddill yn Nhwrci fel arwydd o gefnogaeth.

I Subscribe – to support independent journalism in Turkey

Global campaign launches with call to subscribe to secular daily Cumhuriyet

A coalition of freedom of expression organizations led by the International Press Institute (IPI) launched yesterday the “I Subscribe” campaign for independent journalism in Turkey. The campaign encourages readers from around the world to subscribe to Turkey’s few remaining independent newspapers as a gesture of support.

The campaign initially features the secular daily Cumhuriyet and will be later expanded to include other outlets with diverse backgrounds and editorial lines.

“Independent journalism in Turkey is fighting for its survival”, IPI Executive Director Barbara Trionfi said. “Subscribing to an independent media outlet is a concrete way that people can help – regardless of where they are in the world.”

The threat to independent journalism in Turkey is severe. An estimated 90 percent of the country’s media are under government influence and more than 180 outlets have been forcibly closed since the July 2016 coup attempt. As of June 1, 2018, at least 153 journalists are in prison in Turkey with hundreds of others facing court proceedings.

Read more about the press freedom situation in Turkey

Newspapers that do not overtly support the government are starved of both public and private advertising revenue, with evidence suggesting that state officials pressure companies into pulling ads from independent media publications. Moreover, these media outlets face regular legal harassment that drains finances through fines, legal fees and trumped-up tax penalties.

Against this backdrop, reader subscriptions provide an essential source of independent financing to ensure that media outlets can continue to do their work.

Cumhuriyet, which was founded in 1924 and is one of Turkey’s oldest newspapers, has been a top target of state repression. In April, 14 of its journalists and staff members – including its editor-in-chief and CEO – were sentenced to jail on baseless terrorism charges. Despite suffocating legal and financial pressure, the paper has staunchly maintained its critical, secular editorial line.

While the majority of its content is currently in Turkish, Cumhuriyet also produces limited daily content in English, with plans to greatly expand its English-language offering in the coming months, bringing its top-level analysis of Turkish affairs to the global public.

Why subscribe?

Caroline Stockford, Turkey Advocacy Coordinator, International Press Institute (IPI):

“Despite aggressive attempts to silence them, Turkey’s remaining independent media outlets, including Cumhuriyet, continue to demonstrate incredible strength and dedication to providing the public with critical news and information. Right now, they need financial support and to feel the solidarity of colleagues and well-wishers from around the world.”

Carles Torner, Executive Director of PEN International:

“The Turkish authorities’ clampdown on dissenting voices threatens the population’s fundamental human rights to express opinions and to share and receive information. The “I Subscribe” campaign is a concrete way to stand up for independent journalism in Turkey.”

Rebecca Harms, MEP:

“Today, Cumhuriyet is not only the oldest newspaper but it is one of the few remaining independent media in Turkey. Even though they are under immense pressure and many suffered from imprisonment and face trial based on fabricated accusations, Cumhuriyet’s courageous men and women continue to fight for press freedom and work hard each day to publish a quality newspaper. I am happy that my subscription can help finance Cumhuriyet’s brave work as they are losing sponsors and advertising partners. I hope that we can convince many of you to subscribe for Cumhuriyet. It serves a free press, the freedom of thought. It is a subscription for freedom and democracy”.

William Nygaard, President, Norwegian PEN:

“Now also published with a degree of English content, Cumhuriyet will be a courageous and open international voice on a Turkish judicial system in decline. Cumhuriyet will reach numerous new readers and will show the world how the Turkish regime, in its strive for power, is increasing the oppression of its citizens. It gives hope. We support the future and necessity of free journalism in Turkey, and this campaign will promote it.”

Katie Morris, Head of Europe and Central Asia, ARTICLE 19:

“The pressure on independent media and journalists in Turkey is extraordinary. The ‘I Subscribe’ campaign allows anyone to practically and directly support independent journalists. This both protects the right to free expression and provides readers in Turkey access to information and diverse views. The campaign is one way we can all show practical solidarity.”

Kati Piri, MEP:

“In the last years, media censorship in Turkey has spread like wildfire. The crackdown on anti-government press has made journalism a risky enterprise and has turned the country into the world’s largest jailer of journalists. As no democracy can thrive without the freedom of press, I wholeheartedly support the ‘I Subscribe’ campaign for independent journalism in Turkey.”

Nora Wehofsits, Advocacy Officer, ECPMF:

“To take part in ‘I Subscribe’ means not only showing solidarity but also offering concrete support to keep the few critical voices and independent media in Turkey alive. It mobilises each and every person to send a sign and to spring into action to bail out media pluralism.”

Antonella Napoli, Executive Board member, Articolo 21:

“In Turkey it’s never been so difficult to defend freedom of the press and democracy. Turkey is the largest prison in the world for journalists with 160 colleagues imprisoned. This can’t leave us indifferent. We are all called to make our contribution with the total support of our colleagues who continue to defend the right to freedom of expression and who have not even bent under the pressure of justice. We are proud to be close to them”.

Sally Baker, Director, Wales PEN Cymru:

“An independent media is of great importance in every country. Wales PEN Cymru are proud to support the voices of independent journalists in Turkey whose vital role it is to inform the public and therefore engender well grounded, democratic debate.”

Ralf Nestmeyer, vice president, German PEN:

“Freedom of the word is one of the foundations of every free society not only in Europe but worldwide. Against this background, the independent media and journalists in Turkey deserve all the support and solidarity imaginable. Please help ensure that the present Turkish regime does not succeed in permanently suppressing the right to free expression! Support the ‘I Subscribe’ campaign.”

Marietje Schaake, MEP:

“Press freedom has been restricted by the Turkish government in a systematic manner, which has a chilling effect on free speech and independent journalism. We need to show our support for the bravery of journalists and editors working at the remaining independent media outlets. That’s why this campaign is important.”

Statement concerning the take-over of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi, the sole remaining Kurdish daily newspaper in Istanbul

29 March 2018

The undersigned international press freedom groups call on Turkish authorities to immediately release the 12 printworkers and staff arrested on March 28 at the premises and print works of the newspaper Özgürlükçü Demokrasi and the further 10 staff taken into custody after home raids on the morning of March 29, 2018. Authorities must also restore control over the paper and its premises to the rightful owners.

The below-named organizations also denounce the fact that lawyers acting for those arrested have been denied contact with prosecutors or access to any written documentation in relation to the raids.

Two officials purporting to be from the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (TMSF) are in place at the print works and premises of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi, a pro-Kurdish daily, and claim to be holding the sites until they receive further instructions. For its part, the TMSF, now part of the Ministry of Finance’s Directorate of National Estates and formerly an independent banking watchdog under the auspices of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, has denied having received instructions to seize the newspaper’s assets.

According to lawyers acting for the detained printworkers and Özgürlükçü Demokrasi’s principal signatory İhsan Yaşar and Kasım Zengin the owner of Gün Printing Advertising Film and Publishing Inc, where the newspaper is printed, a press crimes investigation into the paper was opened on February 7.  This was followed by a separate counter-terrorism investigation that began on March 23. It is believed that both investigations, of which no written notification has been made to the paper, are in relation to Özgürlükçü Demokrasi’s coverage of Turkey’s incursion into Afrin, northern Syria.

As the sole remaining Kurdish daily newspaper in Istanbul, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi is vital in maintaining the extremely fragile access to information that is not controlled by the state.  Following the closure of other pro-Kurdish newspapers and television stations such as Azadiya Welat, IMC TV and Hayatın Sesi in 2016, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi is one of the last sources of pro-Kurdish daily printed news in Turkey.

‘The Turkish authorities must halt their sustained repression of Kurdish culture and language. We are highly alarmed by the onslaught on Kurdish and pro-Kurdish media outlets and journalists that has intensified dramatically since the crackdown on freedom of expression since the attempted coup of July 2016, and now reached a new low point with this takeover of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi’, said Carles Torner, Executive Director of PEN International.

We, the signatories of this statement, strongly condemn the takeover of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi, which has taken place without any legal justification or documentation. We reject the denial of information and prosecutoral access to lawyers acting for Özgürlükçü Demokrasi’s arrested staff members.

“The government’s takeover of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi is extremely concerning” said Joy Hyvarinen, head of advocacy at Index on Censorship, “We urge European and other governments to condemn the obliteration of free media in Turkey.”

We call for the release of the arrested staff members and printworkers and official confirmation from the TMSF of the legal status of the alleged acquisition of Engin Publishing Print Inc. — and the Gün Printing Advertising Film and Publishing Inc.

Katie Morris, Head of Europe and Central Asia Programme at ARTICLE 19 said: “The takeover of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi restricts the space for freedom of expression even further in Turkey and curtails the right of the public to access information on issues of public interest, particularly in relation to the on-going conflict in the South East of the country. We call for the authorities to cease harassing this newspaper and restore much needed media freedom in Turkey.”

The takeover of one of the last remaining opposition newspapers follows the aqcuisition last week of Turkey’s largest media organization and newspaper distributor, Doğan Group, by Turkish conglomerate Demirören, whose media outlets are known for taking a pro-government stance.  In the week prior to the purchase, an internet streaming bill was passed granting the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) sweeping powers to monitor, license and block online streaming channels and news providers.

“This latest act against freedom press confirms that Erdogan wants to repress any free voice in Turkey. A firm position of Europe is needed, which have to make pressure on the Turkish government to restore the rule of law as soon as possible with the cessation of the state of emergency,” said Antonella Napoli member of Articolo 21 and coordinator of Free Turkey Media in Italy.

International Press Institute (IPI)’s Turkey Advocacy Coordinator Caroline Stockford said, “IPI strongly condemns yesterday’s raid and the government’s tactic of shutting down Özgürlükçü Demokrasi in an apparently illegal manner in order to silence dissenting voices in the run-up to the presidential elections.  Despite the opportunity presenting itself at this week’s Varna summit, Europe failed again to strongly condemn Turkey’s repression of free media and free speech.”

The peoples of Turkey have a right to access informative opposition reporting in order to form a balanced opinion especially in the lead up to an election.  We call on Turkey to respect the human right to freedom of expression and to refrain from its practice of stifling all opposition media and to release the Özgürlükçü Demokrasi workers from detention.

We, the undersigned, call on European newspapers and governments to make clear statements to Turkey that access to balanced, critical reporting is essential to democracy and that the freedom of the press must be respected and maintained.

International Press Institute (IPI)

PEN International

European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)

The European Federation of Journalists  (EFJ)

Association of European Journalists (AEJ)

Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF_

Article 19

Articolo 21

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

PEN Belgium/Flanders

Wales PEN Cymru

PEN Germany

PEN Club Français

PEN Suisse Romand

English PEN

23 Mehefin / June 2017

1 Mehefin / June 2017

31 Mai / May 2017


Tuesday, May 30th, 5 – 6pm/Dydd Mawrth, Mai 30, 5.00 – 6.00 o’r gloch

Summer House (Hay Festival Site/Safle Gŵyl y Gelli)

Please do join us for wine, soft drinks and international nibbles/Gwahoddwn chwi i ymuno â ni am lymaid o wîn neu ddiod ysgafn

Translation Challenge 2017 (English) Prize-giving/Her Gyfieithu 2017 (Saesneg) – Seremoni Wobrwyo
Readings and performances by refugees and asylum seekers in Wales/Darlleniadau a pherfformiadau gan ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches yng Nghymru

8.30 The Cube, Eric Charles “My Mouth Brought Me Here” and then in discussion with Owen Sheers

Ebrill – Mehefin / April – June 2017

Volcano Fridays

Swansea University’s “Cross-language Dynamics” research project and Wales PEN Cymru present a Multilingual Festival lasting 3 months from Friday 7 April 2017.

10 spoken word events, on Friday evenings, will feature at least 17 languages and 30 translingual writers, translators, musicians and artists. Most are based in Wales, some are coming from England, France, Germany. They will present poetry, stories, ideas and music, and discuss with the audience: What is multilingualism? Is it a threat or a gift? Do languages divide communities? How are all our languages changing? Who must or should learn which languages? Is translation possible? What’s wrong with monolingualism? Whose language is it anyway?

Where: Volcano Theatre, 27 High Street, Swansea SA1 1LG.  When: 7.30pm till 11pm.

Bar.  Snacks.  Live music by local Welsh-language folk musicians (curated by Huw Dylan Owen).

Tickets: free entry. Donation requested for Wales PEN Cymru and Swansea refugee charities.


Friday 7       Chinese, Welsh & Arabic – Poets Yang Lian (China/Berlin), Ifor ap Glyn (National Poet of Wales), and Amani Bakhiet (Sudan/Swansea).

Friday 14     Turkish, Kurdish & Farsi – Radical dramatist Meltem Arıkan and actor-director Pınar Öğün (Turkey/Cardiff), poet-translator Caroline Stockford (Aberystwyth), and painter Amir a Nejad (Iran/Swansea).

Friday 21     French, Russian, Pidgin, Welsh & ‘FYP’ – Performance poets Eric Ngalle Charles (Cameroon/Russia/Cardiff), Rhys Trimble (Cymraeg), Edin Suljic (ex-Yugoslavia/UK), and poet-translator Jeni Williams (Swansea).

Friday 28     Arabic, Polish – Poets Bashar Farahat (Syria/UK), Bohdan Piasecki (Poland/UK), and Poets on the Hill (Swansea).


Friday 5       Hindi, Kurdish, Turkish – Novelist Preti Taneja (UK/India), Alevite musician Ali Sizer (Kurdistan/Turkey/UK), and poet Hannah Sabatia (Swansea).

Friday 12     French, Kannada – Novelist-translator Marie Darrieussecq (France), French literature researcher Catherine Rodgers (Swansea University), Kannada poet-translator Mamta Sagar (India), and poet Nia Davies (Swansea).

Friday 19     Italian, Somali, Krio – Novelist and autobiographer Shirin Ramzanali Fazel (Somalia/Italy/Cardiff), Italian poet and researcher Luca Paci (Swansea University), poet Alhaji Sheku Kamara (Sierra Leone/Swansea), and poet of Merthyr Tydfil Mike Jenkins.

Friday 26     German, Polish – Novelists/poets Jörg Bernig (Germany) and Wioletta Greg (Poland/UK), Philip Gross (UK/Estonia).


Friday 16     Arabic, Welsh, Spanish – Poets Maram al-Massri (Syria/France), Menna Elfyn (Cymraeg), Humberto Gatica (Chile/Swansea) and Sharon Morris (Wales/London).

Friday 23     Spanish, French – Poet-translators Jean Portante (France) and Zoë Skoulding (Bangor), memoirist José Cifuentes (Chile/Swansea), and researcher-translator Patricia Rodriguez-Martinez-Jones (Colombia/Swansea).

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council through the Open World Research Initiative

Nosweithiau Gwener yn Theatr Volcano  

Gŵyl Amlieithog o Leisiau Rhyngwladol yn Abertawe

Mae prosiect ymchwil “Dynameg Traws-ieithyddol” a Wales PEN Cymru yn cyflwyno Gŵyl Amlieithog am 3 mis o nos Wener 7 Ebrill.

Bydd 10 digwyddiad y gair llafar, ar nosweithiau Gwener, yn cynnwys o leiaf 17 o ieithoedd a 30 o awduron, cyfieithwyr, cerddorion ac artistiaid trawsieithyddol. Mae’r rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn byw yng Nghymru, mae rhai yn dod o Loegr, Ffrainc a’r Almaen. Byddant yn cyflwyno barddoniaeth, straeon, syniadau a cherddoriaeth, ac yn trafod gyda’r gynulleidfa: Beth yw amlieithrwydd? A yw’n fygythiad neu’n anrheg? A yw ieithoedd yn rhannu cymunedau? Sut mae ein holl ieithoedd yn newid? Pwy ddylai ddysgu pa iaith? Ydy cyfieithu yn bosibl? Beth sydd o’i le ag unieithrwydd? Iaith pwy yw hi p’un bynnag?

Ble: Theatr Volcano, 27 Stryd Fawr, Abertawe SA1 1LG.         Pryd: 7.30pm tan 11pm.

Bar.  Byrbyrdau.  Cerddoriaeth fyw gan gerddorion gwerin Cymraeg (wedi’i drefnu gan Huw Dylan Owen).

Tocynnau: mynediad am ddim. Gofynnir am roddion tuag at Wales PEN Cymru ac elusennau ffoaduriaid Abertawe.


Nos Wener 7               Tsieinëeg, Cymraeg ac Arabeg – Y beirdd Yang Lian (Tsieina/Berlin), Ifor ap Glyn (Bardd Cenedlaethol Cymru), Amani Bakhiet (Y Swdan/Abertawe).

Nos Wener 14             Tyrceg, Cwrdeg a Ffarsi – Y dramodydd radical Meltem Arıkan a’r actor-gyfarwyddwr Pınar Öğün (Twrci/Caerdydd), y bardd-cyfieithydd Caroline Stockford (Aberystwyth), yr Arlunydd Amir a Nejad (Iran/Abertawe).

Nos Wener 21             Ffrangeg, Rwseg, Bratiaith, Cymraeg a ‘FYP’ – Y Beirdd sy’n Perfformio Eric Ngalle Charles (Camerŵn/Rwsia/Caerdydd), Rhys Trimble (Cymru), Edin Suljic (Yr hen Iwgoslafia/DU), y bardd-cyfieithydd Jeni Williams (Abertawe).

Nos Wener 28             Arabeg, Pwyleg – Y Beirdd Bashar Farahat (Syria/DU), Bohdan Piasecki (Gwlad Pwyl/DU), a’r Poets on the Hill (Abertawe).


Nos Wener 5               Hindi, Cwrdeg, Tyrceg – Y nofelydd Preti Taneja (DU/India), y cerddor Alevite Ali Sizer (Cwrdistan /Twrci/DU), y bardd Hannah Sabatia (Abertawe).

Nos Wener 12             Ffrangeg, Canareg – Y nofelydd-cyfieithydd Marie Darrieussecq (Ffrainc), yr ymchwilydd llenyddiaeth Ffrengig Catherine Rodgers (Prifysgol Abertawe), y bardd-cyfieithydd Canareg  Mamta Sagar (India), y bardd Nia Davies (Abertawe).

Nos Wener 19             Eidaleg, Somalieg, Krio – Y nofelydd a’r hunangofiannydd Shirin Ramzanali Fazel (Somalia/yr Eidal/Caerdydd), y bardd ac ymchwilydd Eidalaidd Luca Paci (Prifysgol Abertawe) y bardd Alhaji Sheku Kamara (Sierra Leone/Abertawe), a’r bardd o Ferthyr Tudful Mike Jenkins.

Nos Wener 26             Almaeneg, Pwyleg – Y nofelwyr/beirdd Jörg Bernig (yr Almaen), Wioletta Greg (Gwlad Pwyl/DU).


Nos Wener 16             Arabeg, Cymraeg, Sbaeneg – Y beirdd Maram al-Massri (Syria/Ffrainc), Menna Elfyn (Cymru), Humberto Gatica (Chile/Abertawe), Sharon Morris (Cymru/Llundain).

Nos Wener 23             Sbaeneg, Ffrangeg – Y beirdd-cyfieithwyr Jean Portante (Ffrainc) a Zoë Skoulding (Bangor), yr awdur cofiannau José Cifuentes (Chile/Abertawe), yr ymchwilydd-cyfieithydd Patricia Rodriguez-Martinez-Jones (Colombia/Abertawe).

Ariannwyd gan Gyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau drwy’r Fenter Ymchwil Byd Agored

Am ragor o wybodaeth ewch i:


15 March 2017

UN Human Rights Council 34th Special Session 
Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention
Delivered by Sarah Clarke, PEN International
15 March 2017

Mr President,

PEN International, ARTICLE 19 and 66 organisations are deeply concerned by the continuous deterioration of freedom of expression and media freedom in Turkey following the violent and contemptible coup attempt on 15 July 2016.

Over 180 news outlets have been shut down under laws passed by presidential decree following the imposition of a state of emergency.  There are now at least 148 writers, journalists and media workers in prison, including Ahmet Şık,1 Kadri Gürsel, Ahmet and Mehmet Altan, Ayşe Nazlı Ilıcak and İnan Kızılkaya, making Turkey the biggest jailer of journalists in the world.  The Turkish authorities are abusing the state of emergency by severely restricting fundamental rights and freedoms, stifling criticism and limiting the diversity of views and opinions available in the public sphere.2

Restrictions have reached new heights in the lead up to a crucial referendum on constitutional reforms, which would significantly increase executive powers, set for 16 April 2017. The Turkish authorities’ campaign has been marred by threats, arrests and prosecutions of those who have voiced criticism of the proposed amendments.  Several members of the opposition have been arrested on terror charges. Thousands of public employees, including hundreds of academics and opponents to the constitutional reforms, were dismissed in February. Outspoken “No” campaigners have been detained, adding to the overall climate of suspicion and fear. The rights to freedom of expression and information, essential to fair and free elections, are in jeopardy.

In the run-up to the referendum, the need for media pluralism is more important than ever.  Voters have the right to be duly informed and to be provided with comprehensive information on all views, including dissenting voices, in sufficient time. The prevailing atmosphere should be one of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. There should be no fear of reprisals.

We urge this Council, its members and observer states, to call on the Turkish authorities to:

  • Guarantee equal broadcasting time for all parties and allow for the dissemination of all information to the maximum extent possible in order to ensure that voters are fully informed;
  • Put an end to the climate of suspicion and fear by:
  • Immediately releasing all those held in prison for exercising their rights to freedom of opinion and expression;
  • Ending the prosecutions and detention of journalists simply on the basis of the content of their journalism or alleged affiliations;
  • Halting executive interference with independent news organisations including in relation to editorial decisions, dismissals of journalists and editors, pressure and intimidation against critical news outlets and journalists;
  • Revoke the excessively broad provisions under the state of emergency, the application of which, in practice, are incompatible with Turkey’s human rights obligations.

Thank you Mr. President

ActiveWatch – Media Monitoring Agency
Adil Soz – International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech
Albanian Media Institute
Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain
Association of European Journalists
Basque PEN
Brazilian Association for Investigative Journalism
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
Cartoonists Rights Network International
Center for Independent Journalism – Hungary
Croatian PEN centre
Danish PEN
Digital Rights Foundation
English PEN
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
European Federation of Journalists
Finnish PEN
Foro de Periodismo Argentino
German PEN
Global Editors Network
Gulf Centre for Human Rights
Human Rights Watch
Icelandic PEN
Independent Chinese PEN Center
Independent Journalism Center – Moldova
Index on Censorship
Institute for Media and Society
International Press Institute
International Publishers Association
Journaliste en danger
Media Foundation for West Africa
Media Institute of Southern Africa
Media Watch
Nigeria PEN Centre
Norwegian PEN
Pacific Islands News Association
Pakistan Press Foundation
Palestine PEN
PEN American Center
PEN Austria
PEN Canada
PEN Catal
PEN Centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina
PEN Centre of German-Speaking Writers Abroad
PEN Eritrea in exile
PEN Esperanto
PEN Estonia
PEN France
PEN International
PEN Melbourne
PEN Myanmar
PEN Romania
PEN Suisse Romand
PEN Trieste
Portuguese PEN Centre
Reporters Without Borders
Russian PEN Centre
San Miguel PEN
Serbian PEN Centre
Social Media Exchange – SMEX
South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)
South East European Network for Professionalization of Media
Vigilance pour la Démocratie et l’État Civique
Wales PEN Cymru
World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WANIFRA)

Kurdish writer and translator, Salih Agir Qoseri, at Swansea Bay Asylum Seeker’s drop-in, on March 10th

Date: March 10th, 2017.
Location: Swansea

Salih Agir Qoseri will be in Swansea on 10th of March. He will be speaking at a primary and a secondary school about Kurdish literature and he will also attend and speak at Swansea Bay Asylum Seeker’s drop-in. We are organising an informal evening meal and chat, if you are interested in joining us please call 07787436039 for details.

Salih Agir Qoserî

Kurdish writer and translator. Born in 1969.He studied at Education Faculty of Dicle University in Diyarbakır before moving to Sweden where he studied culture and communication at Gävle University, and worked as an interpreter at Gävle municipality. He moved back to Turkey in 2006 and in 2014 obtained a Master’s Degree in Kurdish language and culture form Artuklu University where he later taught for three years.

He  has translated articles and books from English, Swedish and Turkish into Kurdish.   His   debut   translation   with   Mizgîn   Bîngol   of   Mikael   Niemi’s   PopularMusic From Vittula, published in 2009 was followed by translation form Turkish,of Hasan Bildirici’s novel The Way Without Returning (Dönüşü Olmayan Yol). His Kurdish translations of George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm from English to Kurdish   were   published   by   the   Diyarbakir-based   Lîs   Publishing   in   2015.

His latest translation form Swedish is a novel by Karin Boye, and he is currently working   on   translations   of   Aldous   Huxley’s   Brave   New   World   and   D.   H.Lawrence’s The Man Who Died.

Bydd Salih Agir Qoseri, llenor a chyfieithydd Cwrdeg, yn mynychu sesiwn galw heibio Ceiswyr Lloches Bae Abertawe ar Fawrth 10fed.

Dyddiad: Mawrth 10fed, 2017.
Lleoliad: Abertawe

Bydd Salih Agir Qoseri yn Abertawe ar 10fed o Fawrth. Bydd e’n siarad mewn ysgol gynradd ac ysgol gyfun am lenyddiaeth Cwrdeg a bydd e’n mynychu sesiwn galw heibio Ceiswyr Lloches Bae Abertawe. Rydym ni’n trefnu pryd o fwyd anffurfiol a sgwrs, os oes diddordeb gennych, ffoniwch 07787436039 am fanylion.

Salih Agir Qoserî

Llenor a chyfieithydd Cwrdeg. Cafodd ei eni yn 1969. Astudiodd yng Nghyfadran Addysg Prifysgol Dicle yn Diyarbakır cyn symud i Sweden lle astudiodd ef diwylliant a chyfathrebu ym Mhrifysgol Gävle, ac roedd e’n gweithio fel cyfieithydd ym mwrdeistref Gävle. Symudodd yn ôl i Dwrci yn 2006 ac yn 2014 enillodd Gradd Meistr yn Niwylliant ac Iaith Dwrceg o Brifysgol Artuklu lle aeth ef ymlaen i ddysgu am dair mlynedd.

Mae ef wedi cyfieithu erthyglau a llyfrau o Saesneg, Swedeg a Thwrced i Gwrdeg. Ei gyfieithiad cyntaf oedd Mizgîn   Bîngol   o Mikael   Niemi’s   Popular Music From Vittula, a gafodd ei gyhoeddi yn 2009 a’i ddilyn gan gyfieithiad o Dwrceg, o nofel Hasan Bildirici, The Way Without Returning (Dönüşü Olmayan Yol). Cafodd ei gyfieithiadau Cwrdeg o 1984 ac Animal Farm gan George Orwell o Saesneg i Gwrdeg eu cyhoeddi gan Lîs   Publishing   yn Diyarbakir yn   2015.

Ei gyfieithiad Swedeg diweddaraf yw nofel gan Karin Boye, ac mae’n gweithio ar gyfieithiadau o Brave New World gan Aldous   Huxley a The Man Who Died gan D. H. Lawrence.

Turkey: journalist Deniz Yücel arrested in latest crackdown on media freedom

2 March 2017

The arrest of Turkish-German journalist Deniz Yücel marks an alarming new chapter in Turkey’s assault on freedom of expression, said PEN International and German PEN today, as they called on the Turkish authorities to release him and other detained journalists and writers immediately.

Deniz Yücel, who works for the German newspaper Die Welt, was formally charged on 27 February 2017 with spreading terrorist propaganda and incitement to hatred. He had been held in detention since 14 February 2017.

“The arrest of Deniz Yücel signals a dangerous escalation of the Turkish authorities’ crackdown on media freedom,” said Jennifer Clement, PEN International President. “By prosecuting a German journalist, the authorities are clearly attempting to muzzle the foreign press and intimidate all journalists into silence.”

“We cannot accept this and have to fight for Deniz Yücel’s immediate release by all means”, said Sascha Feuchert, Vice President of German PEN.

Since the failed coup attempt of 15 July 2016, the Turkish authorities have cracked down on writers, journalists, media organisations, publishing houses, the judiciary and political opponents, resulting in a near total silencing of critical voices.

“More than 150 writers and journalists are currently behind bars, making Turkey the biggest jailer of journalists in the world,” said Josef Haslinger, President of German PEN. “The Turkish authorities must immediately release all those held in prison for exercising their right to freedom expression.”

For further details contact Aurélia Dondo at PEN International, Koops Mill, 162-164 Abbey Street, London, SE1 2AN, UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7405 0338 Fax  +44 (0) 20 7405 0339 e-mail:

Menna Elfyn Photo credit: Aled Llywelyn

January 30, 2017

Wales PEN Cymru’s President, Menna Elfyn, joins world writers in solidarity with Turkey’s imprisoned writers Read here.

Mae Llywydd  Wales PEN Cymru yn ymuno gyda ysgrifenwyr y byd i ddangos ein cydgefnogaeth i’r awduron yn Nhwrci sydd wedi eu carcharu Darllenwch yma.

Leading world writers join PEN in a message of solidarity to fellow writers, protesting the heavy-handed crackdown against free expression in the country.

There are now close to 150 writers and journalist in prison making Turkey the biggest jailer of journalists in the world, surpassing China, Eritrea and Egypt. Nobel laureates Elfriede Jelinek, J.M Coetzee and Mario Vargas Llosa join writers Elif Shafak, Margaret Atwood, Salman Rushdie,  Ian Rankin, Jonathan Franzen, John Ashbery, Elena Poniatowska, Tariq Ali, Yann Martel, poet Adonis, artist Ai Weiwei, investigative journalists Lydia Cacho and Khadija Ismayilova as well as over 20 PEN Centres presidents in solidarity with Turkey’s writers.

Since the failed coup on 15 July 2016, Turkish authorities have cracked down on writers, journalists, media organisations, publishing houses, the judiciary and political opponents, resulting in a near total silencing of critical voices.

In PEN’s message of solidarity, the writers say:

‘We are writing to you to let you know that you are not alone. We are writing to tell you that we will not stand idly by in your time of need. We will not be silent while your human rights are violated. We will raise our global voice against any effort to silence yours.’

The message of solidarity was published today as PEN International’s high-level mission to assess the situation for freedom of expression in Turkey ends. The mission was led by PEN International president Jennifer Clement; Chairman of the Nobel Prize for Literature Per Wästberg, President Emeritus John Ralston Saul; Vice-President Eugene Schoulgin; Turkish writers Burhan Sönmez and Zülfü Livaneli; German writer Peter Schneider; publishers Eva Bonnier and Ronald Bluden; and PEN Centre presidents Iman Humaydun, William Nygaard, Vida Ognjenovic, and Urtzi Urrutikoetxea.

In their week-long visit, the high-level mission met with writers, journalists, human rights defenders, civils society actors, as well as Minister of Culture Nabi Avcı, party leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and MP’s and representatives from across Turkey’s political landscape. The delegation also visited the offices of newspapers currently facing Turkey’s increasing clampdown: Cumhuriyet Daily, BirGün Daily, Agos daily, Evrensel daily and Özgürlükçü Demokrasi daily.

PEN International has been campaigning on free expression issues in Turkey for decades and will continue to campaign for the freedom of those imprisoned solely for exercising their right to free expression.

PEN International president Jennifer Clement said:

‘Freedom of expression is protected both by Turkey’s constitution and by international law. President Erdoğan’s ongoing campaign to muzzle all dissident voices in Turkey must be met with resistance. That is why we are proud to be here today, figures from across PEN’s global community, standing in active and public solidarity with our friends and colleagues in Turkey.’

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Stories from the Horn of Africa

Ben Rawlence, Dylan Moore & friends

2017 event dates to be announced

Even as the Horn of Africa region plays a crucial role in current events, its perfect storm of problems – war, terrorism, dictatorships, famine, failed states – driving a large proportion of the world’s refugee flows, its stories often go unheard.

Ben Rawlence spent seven years as a researcher for Human Rights Watch in many countries in Africa, and seven long visits over four years at the Dadaab refugee camp in northern Kenya. This work forms the basis of his extraordinary book, City of Thorns: Nine Lives in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp, which chronicles the lives of its residents.

Ben will be joined by Yohannes Obsi and Biniyam Birtukan, both of whom are refugees from Ethiopia who have made the long and dangerous journey across the Libyan desert and the Mediterranean before coming to the UK via the infamous ‘Jungle’ camp at Calais. Yohannes is an activist and writer seeking political asylum and Biniyam is a poet and journalist who had to flee because of articles he published in Ethiopia. Both are members of Wales PEN Cymru.

Yohannes, Biniyam and Ben will read from their work before joining Dylan Moore in conversation about the refugee experience, the challenges people face across the Horn of Africa – and how we in Wales can help.

Straeon o Horn Affrica

Ben Rawlence, Dylan Moore a ffrindiau

Dyddiadau digwyddiadau 2017 i’w cadarnhau

Er bod ardal Horn Affrica yn chwarae ran hanfodol mewn digwyddiau cyfoes, ei storm o broblemau berffaith – rhyfel, terfysgaeth, unbennaeth, newyn, gwladwriaethau’n methu – sy’n gyrru cyrfan fawr o lif ffoaduriaid y byd, nid yw eu straen yn aml yn cael eu clywed.

Treuliodd Ben Rawlence saith mlynedd fel ymchwilydd dros Wylfa Hawliau Dynol mewn gwledydd yn Affrica, a saith taith hir dros bedair blynedd yng nghamp ffoaduriaid yn Dadaab yng ngogledd Kenya. Mae ei waith yn ffurfio sail ei lyfr arbennig, City of Thorns: Nine Lives in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp, sy’n croniclo bywydau ei thrigolion.

Bydd Yohannes Obsi a Biniyam Birtukan yn ymuno â Ben. Mae’r ddau ohonynt yn ffoaduriaid o Ethiopia sydd wedi gwneud y daith hir a pheryglus ar draws yr anialwch yn Libya a Môr y Canoldir cyn ddod i’r DU trwy gamp y ‘Jwngl’ yng Nghalais. Mae Yohannes yn actifydd ac yn llenor sy’n chwilio am loches ac mae Biniyam yn fardd a newyddiadurwr a oedd wedi dianc oherwydd cafodd ei erthyglau eu cyhoeddi yn Ethiopia. Mae’r ddau ohonynt yn aelodau o Wales PEN Cymru.

Bydd Yohannes, Biniyam a Ben yn darllen o’u gwaith cyn ymuno â Dylan Moore mewn sgwrs am y profiad ffoadurol, yr heriau y mae pobl yn eu hwynebu ar draws Horn Affrica – a sut y gallwn ni yng Nghymru eu helpu.

A message for Wales PEN Cymru on the ongoing dire situation for journalists in Turkey

January 12th 2017

In December, 2016, from the symposium of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) in Mexico City, Metin Bakkalci and Sebnem Korur Fincanci of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey sent the following message:SKF: We would like to begin by thanking Wales PEN Cymru, for asking us for a message and for their support and solidarity. We have always felt Wales PEN Cymru by our side and we thank our friends from Wales PEN Cymru who have attended our hearings. The situation in Turkey is very dire; some of our journalist friends have now been imprisoned for very long times. As of now, over 140 journalists are imprisoned in Turkey and we are working for the release of all imprisoned journalists including Asli Erdogan and Necmiye Alpay. We have to remember that Ozgur Gundem journalists are in prison and every time a supporter of Ozgur Gundem is detained, these journalists are being taken from prisons so their statements can be taken. This involves inhumane and torturous treatment of these journalists as they are being searched every time that they are taken from the prison and brought back there. What is now being experienced by Inan and Zana is to a scale of torture. Considering all of these, solidarity is very important and we can be creative in how we establish and/or maintain the solidarity and as Wales PEN Cymru suggested it may be a good way of doing this by exchange of letters between a journalist in Turkey and in Wales and other countries.

MB: Human-rights is a whole concept and although hierarchies cannot be established within this concept, we have to express that freedom of expression has a very prominent bearing as when freedom of expression is compromised everything gets darker and this darkness then allows all kinds of malice and violence to emerge. Therefore, in Turkey as dear Sebnem expressed, primarily but not exclusively journalist and thousands of others are in prison and numerous organisations involved in defending human-rights are closed. We know that Turkey has experienced similar woes in recent history and we have experienced these with much suffering and we know that the current situation cannot continue. This is of course something we suffer as people of Turkey however what is compromised is human rights and human rights are universal and therefore the support and contribution of Wales PEN Cymru is beyond importantance and invaluable. We also need to remind ourselves that it is not only Turkey, there is a cloud of darkness all over the world but we will overcome this, and this solidarity is how we will overcome this.

SKF: There also are Freedom Watches, first one was started a long time ago by academics outside Bakirkoy Prison and now another one outside Caglayan Court House, a justice and freedom watch. These Freedom Watches have become our breathing space, the way that we sense each other. Our wish is of course not to hold Freedom Watches but to live in a world where we can speak out freely with our human-rights defender friends and we will do all we can to this end. As for the human rights organisations, we would like to express that shutting down of these organisations would not stop us from continuing to defend human rights, we will continue to challenge violation of human rights in every way possible, and this challenge is an internationalist challenge. We will continue to with our internationalist struggle to be the voice of people in any country suffering from oppression to voice their ideas and concerns and we thank Wales Pen Cymru for supporting us in our struggle.

As Wales Pen Cymru we asked the Sebnem Korur Fincanci about her personal experience of imprisonment.

SKF: My own imprisonment was very short so I did not experience as much hardship as our journalists, academics and other human-rights defenders friends but still having to lose your freedom is in itself is an unbearable situation. My own experience of imprisonment gave me an opportunity to observe circumstances of prison; in this regard, I consider it as an opportunity because we as human rights organisations are not allowed to enter into prisons. This is not specific to this particular government but we have always been prevented from entering prisons and making independent observations. Thus having to be imprisoned allowed us to observe the prison system from within. I was able to observe both the circumstances of prisoners and the inhumane working conditions of the prison staff and to share these observations with the world. Hence, Wales PEN Cymru asking us about this is very important in delivering these observations to wider audience.

MB: In Turkey prisons are a very big problems and how the prisons governed changes with the political climate of a period. We can find these circumstances at times to be slightly loosened and at other times completely tightened. Unfortunately, in the recent period, after release of Sebnem and following the unfortunate event of an attempted coup in Turkey due to the State of Emergency the circumstances of prisons further worsened. In the past ten years, the population of prisons are quadrupled by increasing from 55.000 to over 200.000. This is now a big problem both in terms of maintaining daily functions of the prisons and for the inmates.

SKF: Also we would like to express that we are facing new challenges in relation to the prison system since the military coup. There is a mounting pressure on prison staff, in particular on the prison guards not to show any leniency to prisoners and be extremely harsh with them. Otherwise they can be accused of being a member of FETO or other terrorist organisations and they may be arrested. We have had a case with a doctor of Bakirkoy Prison who is only recently released and similar problems experienced by the prison guards of Bakirkoy Prison too. A prison guard at Bakirkoy Prison attempts to stop another prison guard from kicking a woman lying on the floor, for his actions he was arrested on the charges of being a member of FETO Organisation. In Turkey, prison system have always been problematic, although certain improvements were achieved through the struggle of imprisoned human rights defenders, since the coup attempt the entire system regressed back to earlier times in its functioning. Now, in prisons there are restrictions of books allowed in, restrictions on visiting rights and even basic survival needs cannot be met and problems due to overpopulation of the prisons. Due to overpopulation, there is a lack of sufficient number of beds and prisoners are forced to use the beds in turns and alternate sleeping times.

MB: Finally, I would like to talk about another recent situation because you are PEN. In recent times, because of State of Emergency, by creating ‘a decree pursuant to the Legislation’ (Kanun Hükmünde Kararname), which is at best an unlawful implementation; they shut down over 165 print and visual media outlet. Thus, for people it is now not possible to access to and share information through traditional means of media. We know that truths cannot be covered and constricted forever and we are the pursuer of these truths by the nature of our roles. However, this remains a significant problem, we live in an environment where over 165 media outlets were banned and closed arbitrarily in a very short space of time and people’s right to information have been seriously compromised.

SFK: We also need to remember that other media outlets are also facing the same threat as they may be banned and shut down any time. In Turkey, now even the mainstream media is afraid of articulating their opinions and being threatened into silence. Right to access to information and share information is pivotal but our right to information is violated and what we can access to is now unfortunately is almost limited to social media.

*The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) an organisation consisting of 152 centres providing annual rehabilitation services to an estimated 100.000 victims of torture in 74 countries, convened 132 members and experts for its 10th IRCT Scientific Symposium to share their knowledge with over 400 participants in Mexico City between 4th and 7th of December.

Neges i Wales PEN Cymru am sefyllfa parhaol newyddiadurwyr yn Nhwrci

Ionawr 13eg 2017

Ym mis Rhagfyr 2016, yn simposiwn y Cyngor Adsefydlu Rhyngwladol ar gyfer Dioddefwyr Artaith (IRCT) ym Mexico City, anfonodd Metin Bakkalci a Sebnem Korur Fincanci o Gymdeithas Hawliau Dynol Twrci y neges ganlynol.

SKF: Hoffem ni ddechrau gan ddiolch i Wales PEN Cymru, am ofyn inni am neges ac am eu cymorth ac undod. Rydym ni wastad wedi teimlo bod Wales PEN Cymru wrth ein hochr a hoffem ni ddiolch i’n ffrindiau o Wales PEN Cymru sydd wedi mynychu ein gwrandawiadau. Mae’r sefyllfa yn Nhwrci yn arswydus; mae rhai o’n ffrindiau sy’n newyddiadurwyr wedi cael eu carcharu am amser hir. Ar hyn o bryd, mae dros 140 o newyddiadurwyr yn y carchar yn Nhwrci ac rydym ni’n gweithio at ryddhau pob newyddiadurwr sydd yn y carchar gan gynnwys Asli Erdogan a Necmiye Alpay. Mae rhaid inni gofio fod newyddiadurwyr Ozgur Gundem yn y carchar a phob tro mae cefnogwr Ozgur Gundem yn cael ei gadw’n gaeth, mae’r newyddiadurwyr hyn yn cael eu cymryd o’r carchar er mwyn i’w datganiadau cael eu cofnodi. Mae hyn yn golygu bod y newyddiadurwyr yn cael eu trin yn annynol ac yn arteithiol gan eu bod nhw’n cael eu chwilio bob tro maent yn gadael a chyrraedd y carchar. Mae Inan a Zana nawr yn wynebu gradd o artaith. Gan ystyried yr holl bethau hyn, mae undod yn bwysig iawn ac rydym ni’n gallu bod yn greadigol wrth sut yr ydym yn sefydlu a/neu gadw’r undod. Fel yr awgrymwyd gan Wales PEN Cymru, efallai mai anfon a derbyn llythyron rhwng newyddiadurwyr yn Nhwrci a Chymru a gwledydd eraill yn ffordd dda o wneud hyn.

MB: Mae hawliau dynol yn gysyniad, ac er na ellir sefydlu hierarchaethau o fewn y cysyniad hwn, mae rhaid inni fynegi bod rhyddid mynegiant yn cael effaith amlwg. Pan fo rhyddid mynegiant yn cael ei gyfaddawdu, mae popeth yn mynd yn dywyllach ac mae’r tywyllwch hwn yn galluogi pob math o falais a thrais i ymddangos. Felly yn Nhwrci, fel y dywedodd Sebnem annwyl, mae newyddiadurwyr, yn bennaf ond nid yn unig, a miloedd o bobl eraill yn y carchar ac mae nifer o sefydliadau sy’n ymwneud ag amddiffyn hawliau dynol wedi cau. Rydym ni’n ymwybodol bod Twrci wedi profi trafferthion tebyg yn ddiweddar ac rydym wedi cael profiad o ddioddef hyn ac rydym ni’n gwybod na all y sefyllfa presennol barhau. Wrth gwrs, mae hwn yn rhywbeth yr ydym ni’n dioddef ohono fel pobl Twrci, ond mae hawliau dynol yn cael eu cyfaddawdu. Mae hawliau dynol yn fyd-eang felly mae cefnogaeth a chyfraniad Wales PEN Cymru yn hynod bwysig a gwerthfawr. Mae rhaid inni hefyd atgoffa ein hunain mai nid Twrci yn unig sy’n dioddef. Mae tywyllwch ar draws y byd ond byddem ni’n goresgyn hyn, ac mae’r undod hyn yn hollbwysig.

SKF: Mae yna hefyd Wylfeydd Rhyddid, dechreuodd yr un cyntaf amser maeth yn ôl gan academyddion tu allan i Garchar Bakirkoy ac nawr mae yna un arall tu allan i Lys Caglayan, gwylfa gyfiawnder a rhyddid. Mae’r Gwylfeydd Rhyddid hyn wedi dod yn le inni anadlu, ffordd inni synhwyro’n gilydd. Ein gobaith yw i beidio dal Gwylfeydd Rhyddid a byw mewn byd lle allem ni siarad yn rhydd gyda’n ffrindiau sy’n amddiffyn hawliau dynol a byddwn yn gwneud popeth yn ein gallu er mwyn dod â diwedd i hyn. O ran sefydliadau hawliau dynol, hoffem fynegi na fydd cau’r sefydliadau hyn i lawr yn mynd i’n hatal rhag amddiffyn hawliau dynol. Byddem yn parhau i herio trosedd yn erbyn hawliau dynol ym mhob ffordd bosib, ac mae’r her hon yn un rhyngwladol. Byddem yn parhau gyda’n brwydr rhyngwladol i gynrychioli llais y bobl ym mhob gwlad sy’n dioddef o ormes er mwyn iddynt leisio’i syniadau a phryderon a diolchwn i Wales PEN Cymru am ein cefnogi yn ein brwydr.

Gofynnodd Wales PEN Cymru i Sebnem Korur Fincanci am ei phrofiad personol o fod yn y carchar.

SKF: Roedd fy ngharchariad i yn fyr iawn felly nid oeddwn i’n dioddef gymaint o galedi â’n newyddiadurwyr, academyddion ac amddiffynwyr hawliau dynol eraill, ond mae colli eich rhyddid ei hun yn sefyllfa annioddefol. Roedd fy mhrofiad o’r carchar wedi rhoi’r cyfle imi weld amgylchiadau carchar; yn hyn o beth, rydw i’n ystyried hyn yn gyfle gan nad ydym ni, fel sefydliadau hawliau dynol, yn cael mynychu’r carchardai. Nid yw hyn yn benodol ar gyfer y llywodraeth hon ond rydym wastad wedi cael ein gwahardd rhag fynychu carchardai a chreu sylwadau annibynnol. Felly roedd bod yn y carchar yn ein galluogi i weld y carchar o’r tu fewn. Roeddwn i’n gallu gweld amgylchiadau’r carcharorion ac amodau annynol staff y carchar a rhannu’r sylwadau hyn gyda’r byd. Felly, mae Wales PEN Cymru yn gofyn inni am hyn yn bwysig iawn wrth ddarparu’r sylwadau hyn at gynulleidfa ehangach.

MB: Mae carchardai yn Nhwrci yn broblem fawr ac mae hinsawdd gwleidyddol y cyfnod yn effeithio ar lywodraethu’r carchar. Gall yr amgylchiadau hyn fod yn llac ar adegau ac yn hollol dynn ar adegau eraill. Yn anffodus, yn y cyfnod diweddar, ar ôl rhyddhau Sebnem ac yn dilyn y digwyddiad anffodus o ymgais ar coup yn Nhwrci oherwydd y Cyflwr Argyfwng, daeth amgylchiadau’r carchar yn waeth fyth. Dros y ddeng mlynedd diwethaf, mae poblogaeth carchardai wedi cynyddu pedair gwaith o 55,000 i dros 200,000. Mae hyn yn broblem o ran cadw swyddogaethau dyddiol y carchardai ac ar ran y carcharorion.

SKF: Hoffem ni hefyd fynegi ein bod ni’n wynebu heriau newydd o ran system y carchar ers y coup milwrol. Mae yna straen gynyddol ar staff carchardai, yn enwedig ar warchodwyr carchardai i beidio â dangos unrhyw drugaredd tuag at garcharon ac i fod yn greulon iawn iddynt. Fel arall, gallwn nhw gael eu cyhuddo o fod yn aelod o FETO neu sefydliadau terfysgol eraill a chael eu harestio. Roedd yna achos gyda meddyg o Garchar Bakirkoy a gafodd ei ryddhau’n ddiweddar, roedd problemau tebyg gyda gwarchodwyr Carchar Bakirkoy, hefyd. Ceisiodd gwarchodwr Carchar Bakiroy atal gwarchodwr arall rhag gicio menyw a oedd yn gorwedd ar y llawr, ac am ei ymddygiad, cafodd ei arestio a’i gyhuddo o fod yn aelod o Sefydliad FETO. Yn Nhwrci, mae systemau carchar o hyd wedi bod yn broblem, er bod rhai pethau wedi gwella ar ôl i amddiffynwyr hawliau dynol cael eu carcharu, mae’r holl system wedi llithro’n ôl ers yr ymgais ar coup. Nawr, mae yna gyfyngiadau ar lyfrau, hawliau ymweld ac nad yw anghenion goroesi yn cael eu bodloni o achos yr orboblogaeth mewn carchardai. Oherwydd hyn, mae yna diffyg nifer o welyau ac mae rhaid i garcharorion rhannu’r gwelyau a chymryd eu tro i gysgu ynddynt ar adegau gwahanol.

MB: Yn olaf, hoffwn i drafod sefyllfa diweddar arall oherwydd rydych chi’n rhan o PEN. Yn ddiweddar, oherwydd y Cyflwr Argyfwng, gan greu ‘archddyfarniad yn unol â’r ddeddfwriaeth’ (Kanun Hükmünde Kararname), sy’n weithred anghyfreithlon; cafodd dros 165 o allfeydd cyfryngau gweledol eu cau. Felly, nad yw’n bosib i bobl gael mynediad at wybodaeth a’i rhannu trwy’r cyfryngau traddodiadol. Rydym ni’n gwybod na all y gwir cael ei grybwyll ac maent yn gyfyngedig, ac ni yw erlynydd y gwir o ganlyniad i natur ein rolau. Fodd bynnag, mae hyn yn dal i fod yn broblem fawr, rydym yn byw mewn amgylchedd lle mae dros 165 o allfeydd cyfryngau wedi cael eu gwahardd a’u cae dros gyfnod byr o amser ac mae hawl y bobl i gael gwybodaeth wedi cael ei gyfaddawdu.

SFK: Mae rhaid inni hefyd gofio fod allfeydd cyfryngol eraill yn wynebu’r un bygythiad, gallent gael eu gwahardd a’u cau unrhyw bryd. Yn Nhwrci, mae’r cyfryngau prif frwd yn ofni mynegi barn ac yn cael eu bygwth i fod yn ddawel. Mae’r hawl i gael gwybodaeth a rhannu gwybodaeth yn ganolog ond mae ein rhyddid i gael gwybodaeth yn cael ei sathru a dim ond mynediad cyfyngedig at gyfryngau cymdeithasol sydd gennym ni.

*Mae Cyngor Adsefydlu Rhyngwladol ar gyfer Dioddefwyr Artaith (IRCT) yn sefydliad sy’n cynnwys 152 o ganolfannau sy’n darparu gwasanaethau adsefydlu blynyddol i tua 100,000 o ddioddefwyr artaith mewn 74 o wledydd, a gynulir 132 o aelodau ac arbenigwyr am ddegfed Syposiwm Gwyddonol IRCT er mwyn rhannu’r gwybodaeth gyda dros 400 o gyfranogwyr ym Mexico City rhwng 4ydd a 7fed Rhagfyr.

Caroline Stockford bears witness in Turkey

January 12th 2017

Caroline Stockford, translator and poet, Chair of Wales PEN Cymru’s Committee for Translation, Linguistic Rights and Writers in Prison, has just returned from Turkey where she represented PEN International as part of a delegation to observe the trial of two young Turkish journalists, Cemil Uğur and Halil Ibrahim Polat, in Mersin, South East Turkey.

The two young reporters were accused of membership of a terrorist organisation and of spreading terrorist propaganda for having been filming a gathering supporting the imprisoned leader of the PKK in Mersin in August 2016.

The prosecution demanded a fifteen year prison sentence for both men but following the production of no evidence by the prosecution, apart from a fake one dollar bill found at the house of one of the defendants and a flyer publicising a pro-Kurdish rally, the case was adjourned until the 3rd of March. Halil Ibrahim Polat was freed with no conditions and Cemil Uğur was released from prison in Adana and bound over to sign at the police station daily until the 3rd of March. Neither are permitted to leave the country.

There was great national and international solidarity in the court room and the delegation included the General Secretary of the Turkish Journalists’ Union, the General Secretary of DISK Union, Press Affairs, Selma Gürkan, head of the Turkish Labour Party, the head of the recently-banned Diyarbakır Free Press Association and the editor and journalists from Evrensel newspaper.

Following the trial Wales PEN Cymru’s Caroline Stockford had the following to say:

“We know that by observing trials we can play an important role in obtaining positive outcomes for journalists and for press freedom in Turkey.”

Sally Baker, Director of Wales PEN Cymru, said:

“Thanks to the extraordinary work of Caroline Stockford, we as Wales PEN Cymru, have a voice and a way to protest against the abuses, the injustices and the lack of freedom of speech in Turkey today. We can at the very least bear witness. “

Caroline Stockford, poet and translator, lived for many years in Turkey, and is a fluent Turkish speaker. This is the second trial that she has “observed” on behalf of PEN. In September she was in court in Istanbul to observe the trial of three senior editors of Taraf daily newspaper and she joined others to hold a vigil for writer Aslı Erdoğan outside the women’s prison in Bakırköy, Istanbul.

In As Chair of Wales PEN Cymru’s Committee for Translation, Linguistic Rights and Writers in Prison, she has been leading on a project which aims to highlight and help to support the Kurdish language in Turkey. In 2016 she spoke on behalf of Wales PEN Cymru at conferences on Translation and Linguistic Rights in South Africa and in Amsterdam and she represented Wales PEN Cymru at the 82nd PEN International Congress in Ourense.

Caroline Stockford yn dwyn tystiolaeth yn Nhwrci

Ionawr 13eg 2017

Mae Caroline Stockford, bardd, cyfieithydd a Chadeirydd Pwyllgorau Cyfieithu a Hawliau Ieithyddol ac Ysgrifenwyr a Garcharwyd Wales PEN Cymru newydd ddychwelyd o Dwrci lle bu’n cynrychioli PEN Rhyngwladol fel rhan o ddirprwyaeth i arsylwi achos dau newyddiadurwr ifanc o Dwrci, Cemil Uğur a Halil Ibrahim Polat, ym Mersin, De Ddwyrain Twrci.

Cyhuddwyd y ddau newyddiadurwr ifanc o fod yn aelodau o sefydliad terfysgol ac o ledaenu propaganda am iddynt ffilmio tyrfa yn cefnogi arweinydd y PKK a garcharwyd ym Mersin yn ystod mis Awst 2016.

Galwodd yr erlyniad am ddedfryd o bymtheg mlynedd o garchar i’r ddau ond gohiriwyd yr achos tan 3 Mawrth oherwydd na ddaeth unrhyw dystiolaeth i law o du’r erlyniad heblaw am fil $1 ffug a gafwyd yn nhŷ un o’r diffynyddion ynghyd â ffleiar cyhoeddusrwydd i rali dros Gwrdiaid. Rhyddhawyd Halil Ibrahim Polat yn ddi-amod a rhyddhawyd Cecil Uǧur yn Adana yn amodol ei fod yn arwyddo yng ngorsaf yr heddlu’n ddyddiol tan 3 Mawrth. Ni chaiff yr un o’r ddau adael y wlad.

Dangoswyd cydsafiad cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol yn y llys ac ‘roedd y ddirprwyaeth yn cynnwys Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol Undeb Newyddiadurwyr Twrci, Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol Undeb DISK, Materion y Wasg, Selma Gürkan, pennaeth Plaid Lafur Twrci, pennaeth Cymdeithas Wasg Rydd Diyarbakır a waharddwyd yn ddiweddar ynghyd â golygydd a newyddiadurwyr o’r papur newydd Evrensel.

Yn dilyn yr achos dywedodd Caroline Stockford ar ran Wales PEN Cymru:

“Gwyddom y gallwn, wrth arsylwi achosion, chwarae rhan bwysig mewn sicrhau canlyniadau positif i newyddiadurwyr ac i’r wasg rydd yn Nhwrci.”

Dywedodd Sally Baker, Cyfarwyddwr Wales PEN Cymru: “Diolch i waith eithriadol Caroline Stockford, mae gennym ni, fel Wales PEN Cymru, lais a modd i brotestio’n erbyn y cam-drin, yr anghyfiawnder a’r diffyg rhyddid i fynegiant yn Nhwrci heddiw. Gallwn ddwyn tystiolaeth fan leiaf.”

Bu Caroline Stockford, bardd a chyfieithydd, yn byw am flynyddoedd maith yn Nhwrci ac mae’n siarad yr iaith yn rhugl. Dyma’r ail achos iddi “arsylwi” arno ar ran PEN. Ym mis Medi ‘roedd yn y llys yn Istanbwl i arsylwi achos tri o uwch olygyddion y papur newydd dyddiol Taraf ac ymunodd ag eraill i gadw gwylnos i’r ygrifennwr Aslı Erdoğan y tu allan i’r carchar i ferched yn Bakırköy, Istanbwl.

Fel Cadeirydd Pwyllgorau Cyfieithu, Hawliau Ieithyddol ac Ysgrifenwyr a Garcharwyd Wales PEN Cymru, bu’n arwain ar brosiect sy’n anelu at amlygu a chynorthwyo i gefnogi’r iaith Gwrdaidd yn Nhwrci. Yn 2016, siaradodd ar ran Wales PEN Cymru mewn cynadleddau ar Gyfieithu a Hawliau Ieithyddol yn Ne Affrica ac Amsterdam a chynrychiolodd Wales PEN Cymru yn 82fed Cyngres Ryngwladol PEN yn Ourense.




Wednesday, November 2nd, 6.30pm

Palas Print Bookshop, Caernarfon

Free entry. All welcome.

Thursday, November 3rd.

Pen’rallt Gallery Bookshop, Machynlleth

2pm Writers’ Workshop

6pm Reading

Free but please book in advance


Stories from the Horn of Africa – with Ben Rawlence and Friends

Friday, 28th October,  6.00 pm

Octavo’s Book Cafe and Wine Bar, Cardiff

A night of poetry, prose and political discussion

Even as the Horn of Africa region plays a crucial role in current events, its perfect storm of problems – war, terrorism, dictatorships, famine, failed states – driving a large proportion of the world’s refugee flows, its stories often go unheard.

Ben Rawlence spent seven years as a researcher for Human Rights Watch in many countries in Africa, and seven long visits over four years at the Dadaab refugee camp in northern Kenya. This work forms the basis of his extraordinary book, City of Thorns: Nine Lives in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp, which chronicles the lives
of its residents.

Ben will be joined by Yohannes and Biniyam, both of whom are refugees from Ethiopia who have made the long and dangerous journey across the Libyan desert and the Mediterranean before coming to the UK via the infamous ‘Jungle’ camp at Calais. Yohannes is an activist and writer seeking political asylum and Biniyam is a poet and journalist who had to flee because of articles he published in Ethiopia. Both are friends of Wales PEN Cymru.

Yohannes, Biniyam and Ben will read from their work before joining Dylan Moore in conversation about the refugee experience, the challenges people face across the Horn of Africa – and how we in Wales can help.

An Evening with Uršuľa Kovalyk to launch The Equestrienne

Friday, 7th October, 6.30

Octavo’s Book Cafe and Wine Bar, Cardiff Bay.

Feet in Chains

How have writers expressed the change in life and expectations when a totalitarian regime collapses in front of their eyes?

Uršuľa Kovalyk grew up a Slovakia under the controls of the Soviet Bloc.
Her novel Equestrienne, shows how one girl found escape from the expectations of family and society through trick horse riding but as the communist ideals and restrictions fall away she is faced with new challenges in an uncertain future.
Ursula will be in conversation with Julia Sherwood and Richard Davies at Octavo’s Bookshop on Friday 7th of October.
Wales Pen Cymru reception at 6.30 pm to be opened by the Slovakian Vice-consul for Wales, Nigel Payne.
Slovakia currently holds the presidency of the European Union.
Join Slovak author Uršuľa Kovalyk in conversation with translator Julia Sherwood about The Equestrienne: a poetic and caustically funny coming-of-age novel, translated from the Slovak by Julia and Peter Sherwood.
‘An arresting tale of equestrian daring and a young girl’s coming of age set during the final years of communist rule in former Czechoslovakia.’ – Lucy Popescu
The Equestrienne takes us back to 1984 and a small town in the east of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, where teenage Karolína is growing up. It is not easy. Her mother has too many boyfriends and her grandmother carries a knife. In an attempt to escape she joins a riding school on the edge of town. There she befriends Romana, a girl with one leg shorter than the other and Matilda, a rider and trainer who helps the two girls overcome their physical limitations. Together they found a successful trick riding team. Soon the town doesn’t seem so small anymore as Karolína explores Pink Floyd and smoking, and discovers her knack for seeing deep into others’ souls.
The Equestrienne will be launched in Cardiff at 6.30 PM at Octavo’s Book Cafe and Wine Bar.

Wales PEN Cymru joins International Human Rights Delegation to Turkey


Chair of the Translation, Linguistic Rights and Writers in Prison Committee of Wales PEN Cymru, Turkish translator Caroline Stockford took part in a fact-finding mission to Istanbul from the 31st of August to the 2nd of September to report on the state of freedom of the press and to witness the trial of Tafaf Newspaper Editor Ahmet Altan, reporters Yasemin Çongar, Mehmed Baransu and former Editor Yıldıray Oğur.

Meetings with newspapers, television stations and the Turkish Union of Journalists

During the week we met with opposition and independent newspapers such as Evrensel, Birgün and Cumhuriyet.

The general opinion is that the situation for journalism and freedom of the press in Turkey is going to get a lot worse.  Press cards are being cancelled and permits to attend Government press briefings are being denied to opposition newspapers.  Kurdish reporters in the South East are being told by police that it is illegal to report under the State of Emergency.  Evrensel newspaper told us that two of their journalists Cemil Ugur and Halil Ibrahim Polat had been arrested on the 23rd of August in the province of Mardin and held in custody for eight days with no access to legal representation.

Under the SOE members of the public suspected of having taken part in the coup, or of having Gülenist sympathies are being arrested and detained for up to 30 days with no legal advice for the first 5 days.  It is widely believed that the SOE is being abused in order to purge society of writers, thinkers and journalists that are critical of the administration.  Forty thousand prisoners in Turkish jails have been scheduled for early parole to make way for those arrested under suspicion of playing a part in the failed coup.  These suspects include writers and journalists, academics and civil servants.

We also visited two television stations, IMC TV and Hayatın Sesi.  The former reported that their cable broadcast licence had been cancelled due to their showing an interview they had conducted with a member of the outlawed PKK.  This is despite state-run stations broadcasting similar interviews.  IMC TV report from a humanitarian, ecological and gender balanced point of view and, like other independent television stations such as Hayatın Sesi, they face constant fines for having potentially ‘insulted the President’ or for broadcasting from the sites of suicide bombings in Turkey seconds after a blanket-broadcast ban had been introduced by the television regulating authority.

At least 15 journalists were arrested and detained during the four-day mission of our delegation which was led by Article 19 and representatives from Danish PEN, the European Federation of Journalists, German PEN, Index on Censorship, My Media, the Norwegian Press Association, the Norwegian Union of Journalists, Norwegian PEN, PEN International, Reporters Without Borders, and Caroline Stockford, Chair of the Translation, Linguistic Rights and Writers in Prison Committee of Wales PEN Cymru.

Arrest and detention of leading female writers, journalists and linguists

When the Kuridsh newspaper Özgür Gündem was under threat in the SE of the country, a group of 68 journalists went to Diyarbakır over a period of 8 weeks to work for the newspaper and show solidarity.

Leading literary figure, Aslı Erdoğan has been in solitary confinement at Bakırköy Women’s Prison since 20th August.

This is taken from Hürriyet Daily News, 25th August:asli-erdogan-2

Aslı Erdoğan was a member of daily Özgür Gündem’s advisory board and columnist, is being held in solitary confinement and says she has been unable to get her necessary medicine for five days. 

“They are treating me in a way that will leave permanent damage on my body,” she told daily Cumhuriyet through her lawyer, Nesrullah Oğuz, adding that she is forced to sleep in a bed that someone previously urinated in.

“I’ve been experiencing problems in my intestines for 10 years. My pancreas and digestive system doesn’t work properly, but my medicine has not been given to me for five days. I am diabetic and I need a special nutrition. But in jail I am only able to eat yoghurt … Also, even though I suffer from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, I have not been allowed access to open air [since entering prison],” Erdoğan said. 

There appears to be a danger of being accused of ‘affiliation with a terrorist organisation’ in Turkey at present for many who try to assist Kurdish causes or the call for peace talks and cessation of military activity in the SE of Turkey.

Another board member of the newspaper Özgür Gündem, Necmiye Alpay who is a writer and philologist in her seventies was arrested and remanded in custody at Bakırköy prison on 31st August.  She is being charged with spreading propaganda regarding a terrorist organsiation and ‘disrupting the unity of the state’  In their statement on the 9th of September, 2016 PEN International said the following:

PEN International is deeply concerned by the arrest of renowned writer and linguist Necmiye Alpay on 31 August on terror charges as a part of an ongoing investigation into closed daily Özgür Gündem, which has also seen writer Aslı Erdoğan detained.

 On 31 August, Istanbul’s Eighth Criminal Court of Peace ordered the arrest of Alpay on charges of being a member of a terror organization and disrupting the unity of the state; she denies all charges against her. PEN believes that Alpay is being held solely for her peaceful exercise of her right to freedom of expression and is calling for her immediate and unconditional release.  

Wales PEN Cymru joined Danish PEN, German PEN, Norwegian PEN, Turkish PEN and over 200 others, including many Turkish writers and poets to demonstrate against the arrests of Aslı Erdoğan and Necmiye Alpay outside Bakırköy women’s prison on Friday 2nd September.


There were speeches, performances of poetry and theatre and several leading literary figures as well as the members of PEN Turkey expressed their gratitude to Wales PEN Cymru for their presence and solidarity.

Please consider sending postcards containing supportive messages in English to Necmiye Alpay and Aslı Erdoğan at the following address:

Ms. Necmiye Alpay
Bakırköy Kadın Kapalı Tutukevi
C-9 Koğuşu
Bakırköy – İstanbul – Turkey

Members writing in Welsh may send their messages to Wales PEN Cymru directly via and have them sent on in Welsh and Turkish to both Necmiye Alpay and Aslı Erdoğan.


Observing the Taraf trial at the High Criminal Court, Istanbul

Wales PEN Cymru was among other PEN Centres, Embassies and Press Organisations in court to witness the Taraf Newspaper trial where Editor Ahmet Altan, reporters Yasemin Çongar, Mehmed Baransu and former Editor Yıldıray Oğur were before the three judges accused of having divulged state secrets in relation to a coup plot six years ago.

The case proceeded despite the fact that a new and unsigned indictment appeared to have been produced overnight and not submitted to defence.  The 246 page indictment the defence had received contained 45 pages copied and pasted from the indictment of Cumhuriyet Editor in Chief Can Dündar whose trial took place in 2015.  The words, ‘the defendant Can Dündar’ appeared on several pages of the indictment against the Taraf journalists.  New charges had been brought against the defendants accusing them of having a role in the most recent failed coup, of spying and of attempting to bring down the state.

At the end of the day’s hearing, a new date was set for the 23rd of November and the defendants (all but Mehmed Baransu who has been in custody for several years) were released.

Following this, on Saturday, September 10th, defendant Ahmet Altan and his brother Dr Mehmet Altan were both arrested and detained on charges of ‘giving subliminal messages to incite a coup’ in a television programme on which they appeared on the 14th of July 2016.

Wales PEN Cymru are deeply concerned that the State of Emergency and anti-terror laws in Turkey are being used indiscriminately to imprison outspoken writers, journalists and academics and to stifle freedom of speech in the country.

Below is a short message from co-defendant and journalist Yasemin Çongar regarding the Altan brothers:

The most critical 24 hours for Ahmet and Mehmet Altan

Dear Friends,

Thank you all for supporting our demand for the release of Ahmet and Mehmet Altan.

After 11 days in police custody where they did not see the sky, had only two small cans of food for the whole day, no tea, no coffee, no cigarettes, limited drinking water, no access to family, no tv, no papers, no lights out –they had to sleep in a brightly-lit room behind bars– they will be questioned by the police for the first time today. Then they will see the prosecutor and in all likelihood will be referred to the court with a demand for pre-trial imprisonment, which might mean months if not years in today’s Turkey.

Anything you can do in the next 24 hours –getting more people to sign the support letter as well as social media messages with hashtags #AhmetAltan #MehmetAltan and #LetAltansGoFree or, more importantly, any public statements you can make or help organise — will mean a lot.

Thank you.


We would urge you, as our members, to send us your ideas on campaigns of solidarity that we might run to assist Turkish journalists and writers at this difficult period in the history of Turkey.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Wales PEN Cymru.

Visit to Wales by Representatives of the Kyrgyzstan Government


Representatives of the Kyrgystan Government came to Wales in the week beginning 7 March 2016, visiting Cardiff, where their programme was organized by the Welsh Government, and Aberystwyth where arrangements were in the hands of the writers’ organization Wales PEN Cymru and Aberystwyth University’s Mercator Institute / Wales Literature Exchange.

Toktobubu Ashymbaeva Abasovna, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and Ergeshov Zaiyrbek Jolchuevich, Deputy Head of the Department of Ethnic, Religious Policies and Interaction of the Kyrgyz Republic, were particularly interested in bilingual policies in the fields of education, culture and publishing, and took part in a whole morning of research seminars at the Mercator Institute.

Kyrgyz, a Turkic language, is spoken by a majority of the population but has been marginalized in many domains as a result of Russification policies in the former Soviet Union. The Kyrgystan Government is seeking to reestablish Kyrgyz as the national language while at the same time making provision for its own substantial Uzbek-speaking population and many smaller minorities who have historically used Russian rather than Kyrgyz as the lingua franca.


Daeth cynrychiolwyr Llywodraeth Cyrgistan i Gymru yn yr wythnos yn cychwyn Mawrth 7, 2016. Yng Nghaerdydd trefnwyd eu rhaglen gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac yn Aberystwyth gan Wales PEN Cymru (y gymdeithas awduron) a ‘r Gyfnewidfa Lên / Sefydliad Mercator ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth.

Y cynrychiolwyr oedd Toktobubu Ashymbaeva Abasovna, Dirprwy Weinidog Addysg a Gwyddoniaeth Gweriniaeth Cyrgistan, a Ergeshov Zaiyrbek Jolchuevich, Dirprwy Bennaeth Adran Polisiau Crefyddol ac Ethnig y Weriniaeth, ac yr oedd ganddynt lawer o ddiddordeb mewn polisiau dwyieithog ym meysydd addysg, diwylliant a chyhoeddi. Trefnwyd bore cyfan o seminarau yn Sefydliad Mercator ar eu cyfer.

I’r grwp ieithoedd Twrceg y perthyn iaith y Cyrgis, ac fe’i siaredir gan fwyafrif poblogaeth y Weriniaeth. Serch hynny fe’i gyrrwyd i’r ymylon gan bolisïau’r hen Undeb Sofietaidd o flaenoriaethu’r Rwseg mewn llawer o feysydd. Nod llywodraeth bresennol Cyrgistan yw ail-orseddu Cyrgis fel iaith genedlaethol tra’n darparu hefyd ar gyfer y lleiafrif sylweddol Wsbec ei hiaith, sydd, fel y lleiafrifoedd llai eraill, wedi arfer defnyddio’r Rwseg fel lingua franca.

photo3 mudiad feithrin

Aida Kereksizova, Sally Baker, Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, Toktobubu Ashymbaeva Abasovna, Elin Haf Gruffydd, Ergeshov Zaiyrbek Jolchuevich yn swyddfa y Mudiad Meithrin, Aberystwyth.

Turkey: Death of editor and journalist Rohat Aktaş in Cizre must be investigated

 25 February 2016 –  PEN International is deeply saddened and disturbed to learn of the death of Rohat Aktaş, editor and journalist for the Kurdish-language daily Azadiya Welat, killed while reporting from Cizre in Şırnak province in southeast Turkey. According to reports, Aktaş had travelled to the province to report on the 24-hour curfew imposed in the area by Turkish authorities.  Aktaş became trapped in a basement with dozens of others after he was shot in the arm while reporting on the efforts to help wounded civilians.

 According to media reports on 29 January Turkey’s Constitutional Court confirmed that it had issued an order to halt ambulance crews working in the area, on the grounds that it was too dangerous to reach the injured. Cizre, which has a majority Kurdish population, has been under curfew since 14 December following clashes between the Turkish military and Kurdish armed separatists

Rohat Aktaş died while trying to tell world about the plight of wounded civilians with little or no access to medical care in Cizre. Freedom of expression plays in invaluable role, particularly in times of conflict, to allow us to understand what is happening. We call on the Turkish authorities to conduct a swift, transparent and through investigation into the death of Rohat Aktaş and urge the government in Ankara to look for a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the conflict in southeast Turkey,’ said Salil Tripathi, Writers in Prisons Committee Chair, PEN International.

View this statement online here.

For more information please contact Communications & Campaigns Manager Sahar Halaimzai: |m.  0044 7514139606 | t. +44 (0)20 7405 0338

Writers call on David Cameron to stop Turkey’s crackdown on freedom of speech

The following letter was sent from English PEN, Scottish PEN and Wales PEN Cymru to the Prime Minister, David Cameron, on January 16th, 2016

(See Guardian article:

As writers, journalists and members of PEN in the UK, we are writing to express our grave concerns about the unprecedented crackdown on freedom of expression in Turkey. We ask you to raise this issue with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu on his visit to London as a matter of urgency.

Over the past five months, intimidation, threats and even physical assaults against journalists, writers and publishers have become the norm. This includes two attacks on the offices of the newspaper Hurriyet, including one supported by a serving Member of the Turkish Parliament; the raid and seizure of Koza Ipek Media, known for being critical of the President, and the detention of three journalists working for Vice News, alongside prosecutions of journalists and further arrests. More Turkish citizens have been criminally prosecuted for ‘insulting the Turkish President’ since President Erdogan assumed office in 2014 than in the combined tenure of all of his predecessors, dating back to 1923.

We are seriously concerned for the leading journalists Can Dϋndar, editor-in-chief of Turkish daily Cumhuriyet, and Erdem Gϋl, the paper’s Ankara bureau chief, who were arrested on espionage and national security charges on 26 November 2015 and continue to be held in pre-trial detention. The charges against them relate to an article and video published on the Cumhuriyet website on 29 May 2015 reporting that Turkey’s intelligence agency delivered arms to Islamist rebel groups. This is a story of clear public and global interest, and we are appalled that both journalists may face a maximum life sentence for the charge of divulging state secrets, a sentence of 20 years for espionage, and ten years for membership of a terrorist organisation, for a story that the authorities appear to have accepted is true.

It is vital that journalists in Turkey are allowed to perform their essential role in society, informing public debate and opinion without restraint or censorship. Attacks on journalists, writers and publishers diminish the freedom of Turkish society as a whole. The prevailing culture of impunity is, furthermore, depriving journalists and writers of necessary safeguards, exposing them to intimidation and even physical harm.
Prime Minister Davutoğlu is one of the few members of the Turkish government to have spoken in support of press freedom. His words have not, however, been followed by deeds. The Prime Minister’s visit to London is therefore an important opportunity to secure his unequivocal commitment to safeguarding freedom of expression in Turkey.

We hope that you will use this opportunity to urge the Prime Minister to ensure that his government acts in accordance with Turkey’s obligations to respect the right to freedom of expression.

Monica Ali

Alan Bissett

William Boyd

Chris Brookmyre

Gillian Clarke

Fflur Dafydd

Stevie Davies

Menna Elfyn (President, Wales PEN Cymru)

Moris Farhi MBE

Maureen Freely (President, English PEN)

Richard Gwyn

Mark Haddon

David Hare

Eva Hoffman

Hari Kunzru

Robert Minhinnick

Blake Morrison

Neel Mukherjee

Ian Rankin

Owen Sheers

Ali Smith

Tom Stoppard

Sarah Waters

Come to show your support for a poet who has been sentenced to death.


Wales PEN Cymru join  the World wide readings on January 14th  in support of  Ashraf Fayadh – sentenced to death by a court in Saudi Arabia.

As part of the world- wide readings on January 14th, Wales PEN  Cymru will hold a poetry reading to support  Ashraf Fayadh, a Palestinian poet and artist who was been sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for his writings. The reading will be held in the  Preseli room in the Wales Millennium Centre  on the 14th January at 7 o’ clock, and  poets who are members of Wales PEN will be present to ‘ bear witness’ . They include the following:

Chris Meredith, Nia Davies, Clare Potter, Dominic Williams and Menna Elfyn.

Fayadh in a message to supporters said “I am grateful for everyone working on my behalf. To be honest, I was surprised and I’m struggling to follow all the developments. People should know that I am not against anyone here, I am an artist and I am just looking for my freedom.” Fayadh is a key member of the British-Saudi art organisation ‘Edge of Arabia.

He has denied all charges, which stem from his book of poetry. Fayadh,  who co-curated a show at the 2013 Venicle Biennale, was originally sentenced to four years in prison and 800 lashes for apostasy by the general court in Abha, a city in the south-west of the kingdom in May 2014. But after his appeal was dismissed, Fayadh was retried and a new panel of judges last week ruled that he should be executed.

That is why we condemn the verdict and wish to  bear witness by holding a public poetry reading on the 14th of January in Preseli Room in the Wales Millennium Centre.

Darlleniad Byd Eang i gefnogi Ashraf Fayadh

Nos Iau, Ionawr 14eg, 7 o’r gloch

Ystafell Preseli yng Nghanolfan y Mileniwm, Caerdydd

Darlleniadau  gan  Nia Davies, Chris Meredith, Clare Potter, Dominic Williams a Menna Elfyn


Ashraf  Fayadh a ddedfrydwyd i  farwolaeth gan lys barn yn Sawdi Arabia.

Fel rhan o ddarlleniadau ar draws y byd ar Ionawr  14, bydd Wales PEN Cymru yn cynnal darlleniad i gefnogi Ashraf Fayadh, bardd Palesteinaidd sydd wedi ei ddedfrydu i farwolaeth yn Sawdi Arabia am ei gyfrol o farddoniaeth. Bydd y darlleniad a gynhelir yn Stafell Preseli yng Nghanolfan y Mileniwm yn digwydd ar Ionawr 14, am 7 o’r gloch yr hwyr a bydd beirdd sy’n aelodau o PEN Cymru yn cymryd rhan  ac yn eu plith:

Chris Meredith, Nia Davies, Clare Potter, Dominic Williams a Menna Elfyn.

Dewch i ddangos eich cefnogaeth i’r bardd sydd wedi ei  ddedfrydu i farwolaeth am  ysgrifennu barddoniaeth y mae’r awdurdodau wedi barnu sydd yn sarhau eu cred. Dywed  Fayadh ‘Rwy’n ddiolchgar i bawb sy’n gweithio ar fy rhan. Rhaid dweud i mi gael syndod   ac rwy’n straffaglu i ddilyn y datblygiadau. Dylai pawb wybod nad wyf yn erbyn unrhyw un yma. Artist ydw i  sy’n arfer ei ryddid i greu. Mae’n aelod allweddol o sefydliad celf.”   Prydeinig- Sawdi, ‘Edge of Arabia’.

Mae  wedi gwadu pob cyhuddiad yn ei erbyn, cyhuddiadau sy’n deillio o’i lyfr o farddoniaeth. Bu’n cyd-guradu sioe yn  Biennale Fenis yn 2013, ac yn wreiddiol fe’i ddedfrydwyd i bedair blynedd o garchar a’i fflangellu  800  o weithiau gan lys yn Abha, dinas yn ne-orllewin y deyrnas ym Mai 2014.  Yna, wedi i’w apêl gael ei wrthod, trefnwyd achos arall yn ei erbyn a’i erlyn drachefn, gan banel newydd  o farnwyr a deddfrydwyd ef   eto, y tro hwn ,i gael ei ddienyddio.

Dyna pam rydym yn condemnio’r ddedfryd arno ac yn gwneud hynny gyda darlleniad cyhoeddus nos Iau  14 o Ionawr yn Stafell Preseli yng Nghanolfan y Mileniwm.

Worldwide Reading in support of Ashraf Fayadh

Wales Pen Cymru will be holding an event in the Preseli Room at the Wales Millennium Centre  

January 14th 2016 – 7 p.m.

Readers include Nia Davies, Chris Meredith, Clare Potter, Dominic Williams and Menna Elfyn

Palestinian poet Ashraf  Fayadh is in Saudi  prison awaiting execution.

More than 100 readings around the globe will take place on January 14th to support Ashraf Fayadh (see

Please spread the word and join us if you can.

See more about his poetry here.

Entry free.

7 January 2016 

On the anniversary of the brutal attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo we, the undersigned, reaffirm our commitment to the defence of the right to freedom of expression, even when that right is being used to express views that some may consider offensive.

The Charlie Hebdo attack, which left 11 dead and 12 wounded, was a horrific reminder of the violence to which journalists, artists and other critical voices are subjected in a global atmosphere marked by increasing intolerance of dissent.  The killings inaugurated a year that has proved especially challenging for proponents of freedom of opinion.

Non-state actors perpetrated violence against their critics largely with impunity, including the brutal murders of four secular bloggers in Bangladesh by Islamist extremists, and the killing of an academic, M M Kalburgi, who wrote critically against Hindu fundamentalism in India .

Despite the turnout of world leaders on the streets of Paris in an unprecedented display of solidarity with free expression following the Charlie Hebdo murders, artists and writers faced intense repression from governments throughout the year. In Malaysia, cartoonist Zunar is facing a possible 43-year prison sentence for alleged ‘sedition’; in Iran, cartoonist Atena Fardaghani is serving a 12-year sentence for a political cartoon; and in Saudi Arabia, Palestinian poet Ashraf Fayadh was sentenced to death for the views he expressed in his poetry.

Perhaps the most far-reaching threats to freedom of expression in 2015 came from governments ostensibly motivated by security concerns. Following the attack on Charlie Hebdo, 11 interior ministers from European Union countries including France, Britain and Germany issued a statement in which they called on Internet service providers to identify and remove online content ‘that aims to incite hatred and terror.’  In July, the French Senate passed a controversial law giving sweeping new powers to the intelligence agencies to spy on citizens, which the UN Human Rights Committee categorised as “excessively broad”.

This kind of governmental response promotes self-censorship. In order to fully exercise the right to freedom of expression, individuals must be able to communicate without fear of intrusion by the State. Under international law, the right to freedom of expression also protects speech that some may find shocking, offensive or disturbing. Importantly, the right to freedom of expression means that those who feel offended also have the right to challenge others through free debate and open discussion, or through peaceful protest.

 On the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, we, the undersigned, call on all Governments to: 

  • Uphold their international obligations to protect the rights of freedom of expression and information for all, and especially for journalists, writers, artists and human rights defenders to publish, write and speak freely;
  • Promote a safe and enabling environment for those who exercise their right to freedom of expression, and ensure that journalists, artists and human rights defenders may perform their work without interference;
  • Combat impunity for threats and violations aimed at journalists and others exercising their right to freedom of expression, and ensure impartial, timely and thorough investigations that bring the executors and masterminds behind such crimes to justice. Also ensure victims and their families have expedient access to appropriate remedies;
  • Repeal legislation which restricts the right to legitimate freedom of expression, especially vague and overbroad national security, sedition, obscenity, blasphemy and criminal defamation laws, and other legislation used to imprison, harass and silence critical voices, including on social media and online;
  • Ensure that respect for human rights is at the heart of communication surveillance policy. Laws and legal standards governing communication surveillance must therefore be updated, strengthened and brought under legislative and judicial control. Any interference can only be justified if it is clearly defined by law, pursues a legitimate aim and is strictly necessary to the aim pursued.

PEN International
ActiveWatch – Media Monitoring Agency
Adil Soz – International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech
Africa Freedom of Information Centre
Bahrain Center for Human Rights
Belarusian Association of Journalists
Brazilian Association for Investigative Journalism
Bytes for All
Cambodian Center for Human Rights
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
Center for Independent Journalism – Romania
Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility 
Comité por la Libre Expresión – C-Libre
Committee to Protect Journalists
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Foundation for Press Freedom – FLIP
Freedom Forum
Fundamedios – Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study
Globe International Center
Independent Journalism Center – Moldova
Index on Censorship
Initiative for Freedom of Expression – Turkey
Institute for the Studies on Free Flow of Information
Instituto de Prensa y Libertad de Expresión – IPLEX
Instituto Prensa y Sociedad de Venezuela
International Federation of Journalists
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions 
International Press Institute 
International Publishers Association
Journaliste en danger
Maharat Foundation
Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Media Foundation for West Africa
National Union of Somali Journalists
Observatorio Latinoamericano para la Libertad de Expresión – OLA
Pacific Islands News Association 
Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms – MADA
PEN American Center
PEN Canada
Reporters Without Borders
South East European Network for Professionalization of Media
Vigilance pour la Démocratie et l’État Civique 
World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters – AMARC 

French PEN

PEN Mali
PEN Kenya
PEN Nigeria
PEN South Africa
PEN Eritrea in Exile
PEN Zambia
PEN Afrikaans
PEN Ethiopia
PEN Lebanon
Palestinian PEN
Turkish PEN
PEN Quebec
PEN Colombia
PEN Peru
PEN Bolivia
PEN San Miguel
English PEN
Icelandic PEN
PEN Norway
Portuguese PEN
PEN Bosnia
PEN Croatia
Danish PEN
PEN Netherlands
German PEN
Finnish PEN
Wales PEN Cymru
Slovenian PEN
Flanders PEN
PEN Trieste
Russian PEN
PEN Japan 

Worldwide Reading in support of Ashraf Fayadh: January 14th 2016 worldwide reading

“The international literature festival Berlin (ilb)calls on all individuals, institutions, schools and media outlets that care about justice and freedom to participate in a worldwide reading of selected poems and other texts in support of Ashraf Fayadh on 14 January 2016.”

Palestinian poet Ashraf  Fayadh is in Saudi  prison awaiting execution.

Wales Pen Cymru will be holding an event at the Wales Millennium Centre as part of the world wide readings at 7p.m. on 14th January.

Readers include Nia Davies, Chris Meredith, Clare Potter, Dominic Williams and Menna Elfyn.

See more about the texts here.

Please spread the word and join us if you can.


In Turkey the internet is seen as a place where things can be done independently, and they want to take the internet under control because they fear that.’ – Journalist Yasemin Çongar.

London, 16 December 2015 – Freedom of expression in the digital sphere has deteriorated dramatically in Turkey since the Gezi Park protests in March 2013 when peaceful demonstrations organised through social media were harshly repressed, according to a new report released today by PEN International and PEN Norway. The report is the third in a wide-ranging series monitoring and assessing such violations in the country since 2012.

Read the report here: Surveillance Secrecy and Self Censorship New Digital Freedom Challenges in Turkey.

The report documents how Turkish authorities have stepped up their crackdown on freedom of expression online. It highlights the persecution of individual journalists and other writers for their online writing; amendments to laws which have increased the ability of authorities to censor online material; the practice of mass surveillance; and the pressures placed on internet businesses operating in Turkey to censor material or provide information on users to authorities, to name but a few of the challenges.

‘We are gravely concerned about the extraordinary degree of control that Turkish authorities are attempting to exercise over legitimate public discussions online which are well within the interest of the Turkish people. The fact that even as we launch this report one of our colleagues, journalist and PEN Turkey member Can Dündar is behind bars for carrying out his work as a journalist, demonstrates the decline of freedom of freedom of expression,’ said Jennifer Clement, PEN International president.

‘We call on Turkish authorities to respect their obligation to protect the right to freedom of expression online and to release Can Dündar, Erdem Gül and all others imprisoned for their legitimate exercise of fundamental rights.’

The report is a frank assessment of the recent regime of online censorship and mass surveillance against a backdrop of longstanding, serious abuses of the judicial process and attacks on freedom of expression by Turkish authorities, taking the form of politically-charged anti-terror and corruption investigations and trials.

‘There isn’t a great deal of mystery around how these legal instruments will be used. The removal of a lot of content is going to be requested; a wall is going to be built in the path of journalism. They have constructed a system of internet regulation that is far from what should be present in a state where the rule of law holds sway; now it’s time for that system to be implemented.’ – Doğan Akın, owner and editor-in-chief of T24.

Blocks on social media and websites, online surveillance and repressive legislation which results in numerous arrests, detentions and trials have become commonplace. According to statistics for 2014 released by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Turkey single-handedly surpassed the 46 other states in the Council of Europe (CoE) in terms of cases involving violations of the right to freedom of expression.

‘The report on digital censorship in Turkey shows a shocking lack of trust from the regime towards its citizens and justifies the deep fear of injustice and suppression being felt in the country’ – William Nygaard, President Norwegian PEN.

The net effect of this system of repressive legislation and surveillance is to drive journalists and other writers into self-censorship. As investigative journalist İsmail Saymaz told PEN:

‘Of course [surveillance] has had an impact. For one, people speak on the phone less; they constantly create new email accounts and communicate via them. Until recently, they would engage in behaviour like refraining from keeping CDs around the house or periodically wiping their computers’ hard drives…We eventually got used to living this way. We had to somehow try to continue engaging in journalism regardless.’

The report, based on interviews with Turkish journalists and other writers, supplemented by detailed research, concludes with detailed recommendations to the Turkish government, the international community and to internet businesses operating in Turkey, requesting much-needed legislative reform, how to improve transparency and accountability and to ensure that surveillance practices do not violate human rights.

‘Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right not only in international law, but is also the bedrock of democracy. Where this right is denied, all other human rights are at risk.’ – Salil Tripathi, Chair of PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee.

PEN International and its Centres around the world have been documenting freedom of expression violations and campaigning on behalf of writers in Turkey for several decades. From the 1985 visit of Harold Pinter and Arthur Miller on behalf of PEN International to campaign against the torture of writers and others in prison; to continued calls for investigations into the 2007 murder of Turkish-Armenian editor and PEN member Hrant Dink; to campaigning against the prosecution of writers Orhan Pamuk in 2005 and Elif Shafak in 2006; to the 2012 PEN delegation to Turkey calling for reform of laws stifling Turkey’s writers, publishers, translators, and journalists, PEN’s work continues in Turkey today.

You can read the report online here:

– See more at:


Writers urge British Government to safeguard freedom of expression in India

11 November 2015

London, UK – More than 200 writers including Nikita Lalwani, Henry Marsh, Ian McEwan, Salman Rushdie, and Val McDermid have written an open letter to David Cameron calling on the British government to take action to safeguard freedom of expression in India.

The letter, signed by members and supporters of PEN International’s UK-based centres – English PEN, Scottish PEN and Wales PEN Cymru – highlights ‘the rising climate of fear, growing intolerance and violence towards critical voices who challenge orthodoxy or fundamentalism in India’ and urges Cameron to ‘engage with Prime Minister Modi both publicly and privately on this crucial issue’. Prime Minister Modi arrives in the UK on Thursday, 12 November.

The writers express grave concern over threats to freedom of expression in the country and highlight the cases of three public intellectuals murdered in the last two years, the murders of at least 37 journalists since 1992, and the threats that writers and others continue to receive, and the protests that are mounting in response to the attacks:

Over the past month, at least 40 Indian novelists, poets and playwrights have returned the prize awarded to them by the Sahitya Akademi, the National Academy of Letters, to protest against these attacks. In their statements, the writers have criticised the Akademi’s silence over the murders, the deteriorating political environment in which those expressing dissent have been attacked by government ministers, and challenged the government to demonstrate tolerance and protect free speech.

After this, and a silent march by protesting writers, the Akademi issued a statement condemning the murder of Kalburgi and a resolution asking ‘governments at the centre and in the states to take immediate action to bring the culprits to book and ensure the security of writers now and in the future.’ It also requested the writers who had returned awards to reconsider their decisions. Dissenting writers responded to the Akademi saying it should have spoken out much earlier, and urged the Akademi to rethink how it can support ‘writers all over India, and by extension, the people of the country.’ They reminded the Akademi of the urgency, calling the present time a ‘moment of spiralling hatred and intolerance.’ Mr Modi’s government has not yet formally responded to the Akademi’s resolution.

They also describe how the ‘protests have grown beyond the community of Indian writers of all languages’ and how ‘scientists, artists, film-makers, academics, scholars, and actors have either complained about the climate of intolerance or returned awards on a scale unprecedented in India.’

The letter concludes by asking the Prime Minister to raise these issues with Prime Minister Modi and to ‘urge him to provide better protection for writers, artists and other critical voices and ensure that freedom of speech is safeguarded. Without these protections a democratic, peaceful society is not possible.’

The full text of the letter and list of signatories is available here.

In May 2015, PEN, in partnership with the International Human rights Program (IHRP) at the University Of Toronto Faculty Of Law, published a report documenting the many violations of the right to free expression in the country since Prime Minister Modi’s inauguration and calling on India to repeal overbroad laws that enable censorship in the world’s largest democracy. The report – Imposing Silence: The Use of India’s Laws to Suppress Free Speech – can be read here.
