Ar y 25ain o Fai, cynhaliwyd digwyddiad arbennig yng Ngŵyl y Gelli er mwyn cyhoeddi enillydd ‘Translation Challenge’ 2019, sef Paul Kaye.

Yr her eleni oedd cyfieithu tair cerdd gan y bardd Pwyleg cyfoes, Wioletta Greg. Yn ystod y digwyddiad, gwnaeth beirniad yr her, Antonia Lloyd-Jones, rhoi cyflwyniad o’r bardd a’i gwaith cyn cyhoeddi’r enillydd a darllen y cerddi gwreiddiol Pwyleg yn ogystal â chyfieithiadau buddugol Paul Kaye yn Saesneg.

On the 25th May, Wales PEN Cymru and Wales Literature Exchange held an event to announce the winner of the 2019 Translation Challenge. The winner of the challenge was revealed to be Paul Kaye. 

This year’s challenge was to translate three poems by contemporary Polish poet, Wioletta Greg. Antonia Lloyd-Jones introduced the poet and her work and gave an adjudication of the winning translations, with an honorable mention to Scotia Gilroy‘s translation.

Videos of the event can be seen on Wales PEN Cymru’s Facebook page.

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