Wales Literature Exchange, Wales PEN Cymru and Literature Across Frontiers, in collaboration with Swansea University, Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Poetry Wales, Goethe-Institut and O’r Pedwar Gwynt literary magazine are pleased to announce two translation competitions: Her Gyfieithu and the Translation Challenge.
The Translation Challenge and Her Gyfieithu were established in 2009 in order to promote and celebrate the crucial contribution that translators make to enabling literature to travel across frontiers. Through the work of literary translators, authors and poets can reach new audiences as well as internationalise their careers. The prizes are also a recognition of literary translation as one of the creative arts and they aim to encourage new and emerging literary translators.
This year, the poem to translate for both competitions is a series of short poems titled ‘Nahaufnahmen’ by contemporary poet of Turkish descent who writes in German, Zafer Şenocak.
Click here to see the poems
Closing date: 22 May 2020
Adjudicator: Karen Leeder
Prize: £200
An award ceremony for both competitions will be held in the Senedd with the winning translators in September. The winning translation will be published on Poetry Wales website.
How to compete?
- There is a £6 entry fee, which can be paid via the link below. No application will be considered until payment is received. Please note that Wales PEN Cymru members do not have to pay a fee to enter.
- This competition is open to anyone who lives in Wales or considers themselves to be Welsh.
- Send your translation and application form to by midnight 22 May 2020.
- Enter your name and contact details in the application form, but a pseudonym in the appendix containing your translation.
- Competitors may submit more than one entry and must include a fee for each.
- Competitors may use any resource they wish to assist them in the challenge, and group work is also accepted. There is however only one prize.