Ar gyfer Dydd Gŵyl Dewi, mae PEN Cymru a’r Academi Heddwch wedi dod at ei gilydd i rannu cerddi sy’n ein cynorthwyo i ystyried ‘heddwch’. Drwy leisiau 12 bardd o Gymru, cawn gip ar wahanol agweddau ar heddwch a chawn gyfle i feddwl am ran Cymru yn y gwaith o hyrwyddo heddwch yn y byd. Gyda diolch i bawb a ymatebodd i’r alwad am gerddi drwy PEN Cymru.
For St David’s Day, Academi Heddwch and PEN Cymru have teamed up to share poems that help us to reflect on peace. Through the voices of 12 poets from Wales, we witness different perspectives on peace, and are invited to think about the role Wales has and can play in being a promoter of peace in the world. With thanks to all who responded to a call for poems through PEN Cymru.