Mae Wales PEN Cymru yn annog ei aelodau i weithredu ac i ddangos eu cefnogaeth i awduron sydd wedi eu carcharu drwy anfon negeseuon a llythyron o gefnogaeth atynt.

Ni ellir tanbrisio effaith a phwysigrwydd y weithred syml hon.

  • Mae llythyron a negeseuon yn rhoi gobaith a chefnogaeth, ac yn rhoi gwybod i’r awduron nad ydynt wedi cael eu hanghofio.
  • Gall llywodraethau hefyd weld nad yw’r awduron yn cael eu hanghofio ac felly mae’n anoddach i’r awdur “ddiflannu”.
  • Mae awduron wedi sôn am sut y cawsant driniaeth well yn y carchar o ganlyniad i nifer fawr o gardiau yn eu cyrraedd o bob rhan o’r byd.

Y llenorion rydym yn canolbwyntio arnynt ar hyn o bryd yw Nedim Turfent a Galal el Behairy.

I gael gwybodaeth am ble i ysgrifennu a chymorth gyda chynnwys addas, anfonwch e-bost at

Wales PEN Cymru urges its members to take action and to show their solidarity with writers in prison by sending them messages and letters of support.  

The impact and importance of this simple act cannot be underestimated.

  • Letters and messages give hope and moral support and let the writers know that they are not forgotten.
  • Governments can also see that they are not forgotten and so it is harder for the writer to just “disappear”.
  • Writers have spoken of how they were afforded better treatment in prison as a result of cards flooding in from all over the world.

Our current writers in focus are Nedim Turfent and Galal el Behairy.

For information on where to write and help with suitable content please email




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